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Show FEAR JAPAN. Newspapers of the Antipodes Ei dently Suspicious of Brown '! Wen- ,. Victoria, II. C Fears of Invasi by ie Japanese me maintained I i. the newspapers of the antipodes, r cording to advices receive I by t d Makura. W. J. Walrams, king of t ii Loyalty Islands, bin addressed pe e lions both to Croat Itrita'n and Fn n officials asking that a proiectora a be declared over the (Mauds to in o vent them being secured by Japn ese. The king wi lies' that .lapane are crowding Into New Caledonia a have Installed a wlrclem station y the Loyalty Hands. He says be fe;i - the Japanese are preparing a ba r- that, could be used for an attack a Australia. |