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Show NEW RULES TO BE ADOPTED Caucus of Democratic Members of House of Representatives Decides Upon Legislative Program. t Washington In a party caucus on .! Saturday the Democratic members of , jthe house adopted without change the I committee assignments, the economy , ! program and the new rules prepared I I for the coming session by the com-, com-, jmlttees that have been working In , j the last month. J Important changes In procedure i ami a general reorganization of the 'house will result from the action of tithe Democrats. The power of naming r i committees was definitely takeu from the speaker by the rules, and lodged in the house itself, j Committee members are to be elect-e elect-e ed by the house, not only In the first Instance, but also In the filling ol vacancies. A saving of $182,000 in the annual cost of running congress is promised i. through the cutting out of superlloua employes and Inactive committees and through the abolishment of time 8 honored "extra months' pay." Ap y. polntive places are put Into the hand of one committee, a special body tc 'be known as the committee on organ 1 Izatlon, and the scramble for congres y sional positions will center about Us door. , A legislative program was submit 9 ted by Chalramn Underwood of th B" ways and means committee, and ad opted by the caucus. It Is designee n to limit the activities of the extn 'j session to such questions as populai election of senators, Canadian reclpro ie city, tariff revision, investigation o 10 governmental departments, congres sional reapportionment, statehood fo Arizona and New Mexico, general tie ficieiicy appropriation. District o h Columbia legislation, and publicity o campaign contributions. |