Show LEAMINGTON Mrs li TB L. L All of the Stake Presidency and their wives vere were visitors at Leamington Leamington Leamington Leam Leam- ington Ward Conference last Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day night The bishopric was re organized with J. J Alton as bishop John M M. Nielson as 1st counselor and Dene Dutson as 2nd counselor Jerald Lovell remained as ward cleric clerk The outgoing officers were Jay Nielson bishop Alton Bigelow 1st counselor and Kenneth as 2nd counselor Gerald Lovell as the ward vard clerk The program was as follows Speakers were President Harold Morris Ward Moody and Warren Henderson Girls chorus My MornIng MornIng Morning Morn- Morn I Ing Other speakers were Jay Nielson Alton Bigelow and Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth Ken Ken- I neth Nielson Nelson Piano Plano solo by Fern v. lo Other speakers k rs were John Nielson Dene Dutson and Gerald LovelL On Tuesday evening in connection connection connection tion with Mutual a welcome home party given in honor of Myrle Johnson who recently returned home from a mission A short program program pro pro- gram grain was rendered as as- follows S Song rig b by Junior Girls Speech of Welcome b by by Kenneth Nielson Reading Ruth Jensen s solo Milma Lovell Remarks by M Myrie Myrle rie Johnson Missionary Sister The The remainder of the evening was spent In dancing Refreshments Refreshments Refresh Refresh- ments were served Mr and Mrs Fred Finlinson and family spent Saturday and Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day with Mr and Mrs Jos T. T Fin Fin- lInson The D D. U U. P. P met at the home of Mrs Ruth Finlinson y March The lesson was given by liy Ruth Finlinson Delia Della Nelson was released as secretary as a vote of thanks for her services Eva Dutson was sustained as the new secretary Mable Overson O as custodian custodian custodian cust cust- odian and Charlotte Nielson as chorister Myrle Johnson sang sanga a I solo Refreshments were Ver ser served wed by DY byRuth Ruth Finlinson and Emma Ni Nielson lson Visitors at the home of Mrs Emma Emma Emma Em Em- ma for a few days areher are areher her daughter Arvilla and her grandson randson Kent Larsen from Salt I Lake City Mr and Mrs La Forge Lovell and Mr Mrs Lovell drove to fo Payson Payson Payson Pay- Pay son son last Sunday to see Mrs Jack Nielson who Is in the hospital there with a baby Mrs Keith has been in Fountain Green visiting with her p parents rents She came home this week and her mother returned with her herfor for fora a short visit I Mrs Albert Warner from Salt Sail Lake City was a visitor in Lynndyl and at the home of oC her sister Mrs Mrs' Leonard Dutson in fn Leamington I Mr and Mrs Tom Williams and baby are visiting at the home of i I I Mr and Mrs Charlie Williams I They are ale are from Milford Millord 1 I I The Y W. W M. M I I. I A A. A officers and teachers entertained Lorraine Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Ste- Ste I I venson at a farewell pa party ty Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- I day night jn In the Relief Society rooms Progressive games mes were were played and a lunch served to the guests ues Honored re gu guest was Lor raine Other guests were Wilma Lovell Lovell- Norma Thelma Thclma Nielson Glenna Nelson Fern Bigelow Bige- Bige low w. Ruth Finlinson n. n Ruth Jensen Barbara ar ara Dutson Louise Lovell Lo Eva Dutson Invited guests were Laura Laurai i i Claudine Nielson Lor Lorraine nine left last Friday y for Los I Angeles to join her hus husband and The They will make their home there wh where re reI I Mr Stevenson is employed I Mr and Mrs from Scipio are m Leamington Mr is Is' working Is' Tor the railroad She is the former Helen I Hansen Hamen of oC L Leamington Mr and Mrs John And Anderson have been bee visiting in Provo for the past two weeks but are at home now I A farewell party is being held In the ward house next Thursday March in honor of Delia Nel Nel- son She will make her new home in Delta Mr Jack Nelson drove to Provo last Friday to bring his wife and infant son home Mr and Mrs John Evans went to Delta last Monday to spend the day with their son David and fam fam- ily It was Davids David's birthday They are Xer very busy buying presents as there there are are four birthdays birthdays' in their tamU family this months month mont |