Show Byron Nielson Writes Family From Munich Mr and Mrs Peter Nielson of Oak City hear frequently from their son Byron Nielson from various various various var var- ious points in Europe where his work in takes him One of his last letters was from Munich written written written writ writ- ten to his grandmother Mrs Florence Florence Florence Flor Flor- ence Nielson to greet her on her birthday on Feb 22 The Index In Indicator Esslingen Esslingen Esslingen Esslin- Esslin gen Germany on on Friday Nov 29 1946 carries a picture and article in farewell to Mr Nielson when he was being from EsslIngen Esslingen Esslingen Es- Es to Munich They say Au Revoir Mr Nielson Nielson- Youve You've been a censorship man a long longtime longtime longtime time Byron ever since March 42 when you started out as an examiner examiner examiner ex ex- ex- ex in San Antonio Texas your specialty being that famous or infamous in infamous infamous in- in famous Proclaimed List So it was only natural that you should want to be one of the first recruits for in Germany particularly with your four years background of graduate work in and teaching of German at the Universities of Utah and Minnesota Then too you had been to Germany and Austria before before before be be- fore from 1930 to 1939 working as asa asa asa a Mormon missionary You were well qualified all right as was proved In your work in Offenbach Bremen a halcyon month prefacing prefacing pre pro facing the turbulent year to follow follow follow fol fol- fol- fol low and finally Esslingen Here you OU took over as an AC right away working with a will and fervor to establish our brave new Group E just five months later you were our Chief of Examination Mr Nielson sailed for Europe in May 45 on the Excelsior He lie was with the first group In Esslingen and now Munich His wife and son 1 are living in Texas while he Is gone |