Show NC LEY Y Mrs II US S Mr and Mrs Ivan Wright visited Sunday In A Au Aurora u r o 0 r a with Mrs Wrights Wright's brother Mr Joseph Christensen Christensen Christensen Christ Christ- ensen who is seriously ill Mr William H. H 82 and his granddaughter g Mrs Cleo M. M Hoggan Hog of Arizona were visiting in the interest of genealogy geneal geneal- ogy at the home homo of his cousin Mr William T. T These two cousins cousins cousins cou cou- sins had not met for a period of or 65 years Mr William T. T is now in Hurricane where he he went to attend a Wedding Anniversary Celebration of his sister and broth broth- law in Mr and Mrs J. J J. J Roundy on Tuesday March 11 I The high priests of the Hinckley Ward are holding a party Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- I day night in the Seminary Build Build- I in ing Wednesday night Mr and Mrs I George Ekins were hosts to the I Rook Club Hi High h score prize was I won by Mr and Mrs Cluff Talbot I and second prize was won by Mr and Mrs Kenneth Mecham with Mr and Mrs Vernon Love receivIng receiving receiving ing the consolation prize Others present were Mr and Mrs Randle Sorensen Mr and Mrs Ladd Cropper Cropper Cropper Crop Crop- per Mr and Mrs Eldon Jensen Mr and Mrs Ben Robinson Mrs Erma Cropper and Mr and Mrs George Ekins Miss Opal Morris of Oakland California who is attending school at the BYU was a visitor at the home of Mr and Mrs Roy P. P Hilton Hilton Hilton Hil Hil- Hil- Hil ton over the weekend the guest of their son Harlan who came home for a visit Mr F. F T. T Slaughter who has been spending the winter in California California California Calif Calif- ornia but whose home is in Kanosh Kanosh Kanosh Kan- Kan osh visited this week with his sis sis- sis sis- ter law Mrs Sarah Slaughter Mr and Mrs John Terry of Salt Lake City visited with relatives in town this week They returned Tuesday Mr and Mrs Almon Robinson visited this weekend with Mr and Mrs Ben Robinson of Sutherland and with friends in Hinckley Mr and Mrs Keith Langston were recent guests at the home of I Mr and Mrs Robert Taylor and Mr and Mrs Carlos Bishop About ten days ago Aroet Taylor fell feU from a wagon and his hip and he is having to spend two w weeks eks in bed to improve his con con- The Bethers brothers who are working on the bridge over the Sevier evier River have nearly completed com com- They are now ready to begIn begin begin be be- gin on the construction of the new road which will go straight west of the present highway to Delta passing between the State Road RoadHouse RoadHouse RoadHouse House and the home of or Lowell I Petersen and continuing straight west Their purchasing agent John JohnDavis JohnDavis JohnDavis Davis has been here for the past month buying property to clear the way right for the highway Tuesday night in mutual a special musical number was offered offered offer offer- ed by Mrs Samuel Knight and Mrs Marion Marlon Dillenbeck a a mandolin duet duet accompanied on the piano by Mrs Arda Davis Next Tuesday a musical program will be offered by the M M. Men and Gleanor Girls Mr Pete Stewart has returned to his home after spending several several several sever sever- al months in a Salt Lake City hospital hospital hospital hos hos- pital after being shot in the leg legat legat legat at pheasant season On Friday Mrs Grant Hardy ent entertained entertained en en- t at a birthday party in honor of her small daughter Sharon Shar- Shar an on Many little friends were present present present pres pres- ent to enjoy an afternoon of games Cookies ice cream and cand candy suckers were served to the group Mr and Mrs Dean Talbot have purchased the home of Mr and Mrs Ladd Croppers Cropper's which was on their farm They have moved it to their lot in town which is lo located located located lo- lo between the homes of George George George Geo Geo- rge Talbot and Cluff Talbot I I Mr and Mrs Cluff Talbot are arenow arenow arenow I now living in the new rooms which they have added that consist of two rooms and a bathroom added to the south side of their previous home |