Show Famous Virginia Place f Made Into Golf Links Golf Golt bulls balls Instead of bullets now disturb the Ole all air around the famous Hall estate The historic Virginia mansion Is Isnow Isnow isnow now a country clubhouse and the golf golt links mark the spot where Gen Rufus Dawes father of at Vice dent Dawes led a charge against the Confederate lines It will be Included In the and FrederIcksburg Spotts Spottsyl- Spottsyl vania County Battlefield park purk authorized authorized author author- b by congress George Gcorge Washington ton often roamed the terrain with his dogs when he was a small boy The estate dates lutes back into the Eighteenth century although al nl though the present l Hall Hallwas Hallwas hallwas was not erected until 1805 1505 It forms nn an Ideal site for the tine exclusive club overlooking o the Rappahannock river that flows only a n stones stone's throw from the porch President Coolidge spoke from tine porch of ot the old mansion when he dedicated the lie Battlefield park In October Oc Oc- October tober when the time first filst memorial was unveiled UD |