Show S HINCKLEY NEWS Mr and md Mrs l N. N L. L Peterson received re re- re- re wore word Monday morning of the death of their niece Mary Peterson aged nineteen In Provo of spinal meningitis They left Immediately for Provo to make arrangements to have the body brought to Oasis Mary is the daughter of Mrs Mrs Mary Peterson of Oasis and sister of Mum Murn Peterson of Hinckley The funeral will be hold at Oasis Wednesday The mother is blind which makes th the untimely d death ath of the daughter very sad The sympathy of their many Js J goes out to the family in their great lt t sorrow farrow I pith R ith Dutson has been very m ill 11 during thi th week She Is reported now to b be i inch Bauch Improved The P Paro r t Tea meeting was held Thursday night In the High School t Sur t was here and gave an 11 Interesting talk on the problems of ot the school After the program tb adjourned to the gym and enjoyed d dancing Miss Ann f of Iowa Is the new teacher in the Domestic Science Arts depart department ent She Is taking the place of Mrs Rulon Hinckley The class gave the program program program pro pro- gram In assembly Friday after which the he student held a pep rally The basketball game between Dela Delta Delta Del- Del ta a and Hinckley came off Saturday night D Delt IA won ion 16 to 8 Mr Dec De n Held ld has been here visiting visit visit- ing ng his p pir parts r ts Mr and Mrs Thos Reid Reid He Is en route for California Mr A. A I. I Tippetts came to attend drainage meeting which was held In n Delta Saturday He Is teaching In school chool In Richfield Mr John Reeve has gone to Los Angeles to visit with his son Bon and who are aTe living there Mrs Viola Morris Morrl and children have to gone-to Salt Lake City Earl Slaughter has returned from froma a weeks week's stay in Salt Lake City Alma Langston and his father Jacob Jacob Ja- Ja I cob ob H H. H Langston have gone to DixIe Dix Dix- le Ie e and o a visit Mrs Enoia Is here from Nevada relatives and friends The M M. I. I A A. Gold and Green Ball will b be held In the gym crym Jan 26 Two young ladies Lave Lava been chosen candidates candidates can can- for the queen Miss Leona I Maxfield and Miss Mias Hazel Hilton HUton are the he ones one's ones This means that everyone has a chance chanc to vote for tor their choice Lets all do au our r bit and make It a worth while contest Miss Arville Jacobson acobson has charge of the voting at Harold Morris' Morris store Camp Naomi R R. R Theobald Daughters Daughters Daugh- Daugh ers of th the Utah Pioneers held Its I meeting Jan at the home of Mary J. J Wright The program program program pro pro- gram was given givon Sketch on missionary mission mission- ary ry labor laber of ot Alexander Wright by Stella Theobald a grand daughter Duet Unto the Dusk sung by Maurine and Elaine Bishop Duet Jeannie I Dream of Lilac Time by Wanda and Ada Nielson A drill on laws given given given en by Co Doris Ottey Ottley Ottley Ott- Ott ley ey from Sutherland Duet Loves Old Sweet Song by Merlin Moody Refreshments were served by Mrs Wright Mr Simon Webb died day morning after a lingering Illness of f Brights Bright's and complies complies- Ions lons Mr Webb was waa one of Utah's I pioneers an and was born in England Ort Ott 19 1867 He Is survived survived sur sur- by three daughters and two sons |