Show Q a z o a rr t Poets Poet's Silvery Moon 1 Set Down as aa Illusion A Another nul her III Illusion has lias peen been swept scientist away by lIy the tile observant Musi Must ot of us have e heard beard so su ol ot the he silvery ery moon oHlOn I that ha I we hil leave hive e taken La ls a Ity tot fur grunted granted Now uw an urn astronomer declares declarer our t Is out sliver silver but bul yellow It appeals he once had hind time tile 1 observe a II white slat Ial come fortune to 10 very ery close to tu I the lie crescent DI moon when us as he lie described It II to I the lIe British A Astro association the star looked ri globule of ot mercury on 00 u u dull III like Ilk a u brass InIss 11 ball a I I. I The poets however how will doubtless continue to sills SIll ot of the slivery silvery moon One nile of the greatest ul ot out OUI poets Ten lent Tennyson white cote com coming stars slurs ol of the san sans sang lug lag up ulI one une by lIy one whereas to the 1111 astronomer the tile stars show a n wonder nil tut url variety ty jf JI shades of color Some brilliant ones are lue red others blue or very bluish and others a beautiful J j orange e And Awl tin how w ruin ny people have hu ever seen seln 11 ar green thuon The writer Is one on who tins London I Ill I'll flits Bits |