Show Balanced Ration for I I Hens Very Important Until about fifty years ears ago ngo chickens chick ens enser w er were ere f fed fed d- d only grain ran and since they were ere to range at will II they secured their men ments so iIley could rJ live i an 1 lay Iny some eggs eggs eggs' during the About this time It was as discovered dIsc that ml- ml protein In form of t meat mul or I milk fed fell with the grains became known as ns the balanced ration ration ration-a a ration ration ra m. ra- ra tion Uon in which the thc surplus ai drates of the grains were ed In better proportion h by IllIn n a protein protein protein pro pro- tein concentrate It II was the hut hal un r ration that first made mm mercial poultry k keeping ellin possible but hll In the lI light ht of recent enl In Information on ora the nutrition of thickens Ih Hie poul tryman's tr-nuan's feeding problem of If today Is to complete the balanced 1 rl ration |