Show liter Feeds Increase 1 Profits for Daily Dairy Man apt t winter wItHer Professor ProCessor Fairchild m I six cows Into Purdue of these four were HolsteIns was as as a n Jersey and there was one onel l All AH of these had bad cow cow test testa test test- a records At the Ity Iy they were given full rations Ve pee Ce what difference feeding could jc e 1 in their production and profit the t test testing t ing association they I av aera i d days a s 's in milk and int in Jr t r time tune they had produced 52 14 rods of milk an and pounds of fat tat tata fata I a feed feer cost of The Time Income r food feed was S each pen non being given ghen a full feed of at the theL L 1 i in days 20 less days daysi i I n the a average arage rage In n the cow testing as- as c Mons they averaged pounds 11 tL I iu und and G pounds of fa fat t. t The Thel I ed l ost t was while the Income er f C ed pd cost was Vas per Jer cow I IDly It would have pal paid the rind nul owners of ot these cows to have hae haved 1 d them better True the cost of ot ng ig was Increased ed In n milk and but rl clr r produced There was a 52 per pcr eat ent increase In milk a 38 per cent crease In n butterfat but the feed cost costas costas as increased only 50 per cent while ie me Income above feed cost was Incased In In- eased cased 58 per cent |