Show DAl flA t I L 14 L BUILD DAIRY HERDON HERD HERDON ON QUALITY BASIS Soundness t type pe and performance are arc mo the three qualities for which to toi i look In buying cows or bulls to buildup build buildup buildup I up up a herd herll To 10 largely Increase the production of n a herd Is a slow slaw process but It Is muc much l more difficult when the original animals are not carefully se se- se- se The three characteristics listed meaning freedom from disease outward outward out out- ward evidence of breed character an and 1 dairy abIlIty and the recorded ability to produce milk mill and butterfat economically econom econom- economically are the prime requisites for tor which the dah dairyman should look Dairymen get considerable income from the sale of surplus stock and therefore should be Interested In so flO selecting cows for their herds and In Inso Inso inso so handling that this surplus will bring a top price Prof II A. A Hopper of ot the New York State College of Agriculture at Ithaca makes males these statements and follows them with remarks on breedIng breed- breed Ing ng lie sa says s 's It takes tales a highly pre potent bull to get gt good offspring from froma a herd of ot scrubby females He lie says that a good goot sire may be expected to I overcome o dome fome some deficiencies In the time cow but that not of all sires are worthy of such con confidence fot dence Moreo Moreover er it Is wasteful to use a bull n great of-great merit on Inferior cows the effort would Voul be so much productive on cows of at higher i iy y y The lower the quality qualify of of use used the less the proportion of 1 ing worth keeping For or economic I is as such a procedure Is not worth I where more satisfactory cows cowsen en lit I t cows which have ha at least fair tall fairand fairand and give ghe promise of ot the time ab ability Ift This latter point can be bermed 1 by testing them It adds to value alne If the they have hae goo good dairy I ts is and are out of at families which y these qualities In a n high per per- ye p r of or cases This Indicates that m I factors are well fixed and ma may I pr to appear In the tile offspring a s Is fully as Important as select select- tile sire Dont Don't overlook health select I |