Show Sutherland Searchlights Grandma Shipley is recovering after a severe Illness Wayne Lisonbee began hegan attending attending attend attend- ing ng high school last week Born to Mr and Mrs P PC C Boel a fine fin boy hoy all concerned doing nicely School is running smoothly now with an enrollment of 40 pupils WR Walker was attending to business in m Salt Lake the first of the week Harvey and fa family have removed to theIr former home in Toole Utah The Jolly met with Mrs hire Hayes at their last meeting and were very pleasantly enter enter- tamed Geo I I. I Smith is farming land north of Wood Woodrow row and expects to move his family there permanently permanently permanently per per- latter on Since the third cutting the theBert lucern IS show sho mg ing a fine growth Fall grain looks fine and prospects prospects pro pro- show an increase to m acreage acre age thIS year Bert Johnson Frank Belston Balaton Edward Ottly Otly and Mr and Mrs Ludwig were among the visitors to Salt Lake during conference and fair week The test beet crop we have heard of IS a that of the brothers A Yield of about 20 tons S to the acre Mangels of upwards of 40 pounds have been produced Mr Simpkins of Circleville is visiting with his sons in the valley alley The brothers Ross Chas Chu and Dan and families attended the wedding of their neice nelce in Hinckley Monday Monda ic Lisonbee the little loW L son eon of Mrs Della Denotes Lisonbee who had the to loose two twi of his fingers gers in to a hay pully putty t some sometime time ago IS nicely under the care of f Dr Broaddus |