Show LISt List your property for lor QUICK sale Summer Summerland land Farms Comb Company Com Com- pany Opposite Post Office I b Delta i tt Utah h CAR FINE JONATHAN APPLES APPLES Will have a car of fine Jonathan Apples on track at Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs- Thurs day till Sunday which will be sold at 70 cents per bushel They are firm firmand firmand firmand and the kind you want Come early and J. J A. A SILL i get your our s supply J. A Car of Good I 1 Potatoes will arrive i Monday or Tuesday and will be bel besold i ij l j sold from car at per Ibs lbs i Everything In merchandise we we have plenty of i of every description at very low prices prices Our new groceries have arrived Our Spring Canyon coal is best bast by hy test give us your orders i we deliver promptly within city ety Horse blankets galore take care of the horses Ranges cook stoves and heaters beaters of all kinds kind and prices i low give us your orders We give 21 2 discount coupons on cash sales WE ARE IN IT EVERY MINUTE i i Eccles Op Co-Op Operative Co-Operative Tt Merc i f I II DELTA UTAH I Potatoes at per Hundred Lbs The Delta Mere Merc Co and R. R J Jaw J. J Law aw of this city will have a car ear carof carof of Idaho Rural Potatoes reach here either Saturday or Monday which they will offer to the pub pub- lie be at 70 cents per bushel hushel at the I car These are good sound p pos po- po potatoes s free from disease now is your opportunity to buy your winter r supply at a decided say sav ing as potatoes will command a high price before spring Buy them at the ear car and save money let us have your orders now R. R J J. J La law La or cr Delta Mere Merc I let pur tin wok o done o at the D. D Delta re Store e Clark 1 St St. Rev and Mrs Mra C C. H H. H Hamilton returned from Salt Lake Tuesday Tues Tues- day Only one day left to register register- Tuesday Oct If you fall fail to register you cannot vote Do you owe for the Chronicle I I Stop and andT T Think link Genuine values require no inducements or conces concessions ions They effect their own sales I That's That B the reason we are never looking around for extraordinary extraordinary ex ex- means of disposing of our stock We sell groe- groe not things and a dollar dollars s worth of them will always bring a dollar in to return without throwing in an elephant asan as asan an inducement We have the goods the goods the real goods and goods and the customers cue cus- who buy them Are you one of them Delta Mercantile Implement Co DELTAS DELTA'S BUSIEST ST STORE RE 11 |