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Show Hinckley Adult Class Will Meet Wednesday The last class on "Repair, Operation Opera-tion and Construction of Farm Machinery", will be held next Wednesday Wed-nesday evening at the high school, according to vocational ag. instructor instruc-tor John Barton. The class which has been held every Wednesday evening from 7 to 10 p.m. with an enrollment of 30 men has been such a success that a new class will be started on February 16th. It was impossible last year to hold a class of repairing farm machinery ma-chinery as the machinery could not be brought into the building, but this year with the cooperation of Supt." Maughn and E. J. Eliason, a new double door system was installed in-stalled by T. George Theobald. Early in the year a new arc welder weld-er was purchased by the school board for the shop and a new acetylene acet-ylene welder was obtained through the cooperation of the "state department de-partment and the federal government. govern-ment. Marion Harris, blacksmith of Delta Del-ta has been the teacher at these classes on farm equipment repairing. repair-ing. Some of the accomplishments rf the class include the making of four trailers, repairs on cultivator, harrow, plow, manure spreader, mower, grain drill and a motor block for a farm truck. Trailer hitches were made and log chains repaired. This class has been part of the Food Production War Training classes that have been held throughout the country this year. The advisory committee includes Parley Warnick, Cluff Talbot, Val Styler and Layton Dewsnup. |