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Show (DATTERNfol WSE r 4 I "iiaiwl)IUOS URGfST SKIER AT I Seat of Russ Government Moscow's Kremlin, sent of the SEVIN3 government, is a tract of 100 acres, CIRCLE J surrounded by a wall with 19 tow- ers and pierced by five main gates. EHD CONSTIPATION THIS NATURAL WAY! y Millions now take Simple i Fresh Fruit Drink instead ( of Harsh Laxatives ! It's lemon and water. Yes ! just the juice of 1 Sunkist Lemon in a glass of water first thing on Taken first thing in the morning, this wholesome drink stimulates i bowel action in a natural way assures most people of prompt, f normal elimination. Why not change to this h calthf ul habit? Lemon and water is good for you. Lemons are among the richest sources of vitamin C, which combats fatipue, helps you resist colds and infections. They also supply Bi and P. They alkalinize, aid appetite and digestion. Lemon and water has a fresh tang, too clears the mouth, wakes you up! Try this grand wake-up drink 10 mornings. See if it doesn't help you! Use California Sunkist Lemons. 12-40 RESIGNED for those who would 14 0 l G 1 1 C like a trim two-piece costume f- but who need a little extra fullness Mi JiTh, riiw in the jacket to conceal a too-full vJXrAi-J? Ill My hipline! !0rsRJZi2 Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1890 Is In sizes TctfCTS m. " 12, 14. 16. 18. 20 and 40. Size 14. short Fsj(Fi:vr sleeves, requires 33,4 yards 39-inch maieri- ' , . . . ai. yard contrast. for fast diuretic aid Due to an unusually large demand and WHEN KIDNEY FUNCTION current war conditions, slightly more time "- is required in filling orders for a few f LAGS frOltl tlllS need .... the most popular pattern numbers. Send your order to: Functional kidney disturbance due to need r if diuretic aid may cause stabbing backet- . I ache! May cause urinary (low to be fre- v ?'B, PATTEN IEPT. ye, scanty and smarting! You may 1 . Montgomery Street ,se s, fmafeuiDg, up .hiY' ofteS San Francisco calif. -may fl dizzy, nervous, "headachy." nJiH 20 TlS COlnS 'r CaCb I" such cases, you want to stimulate Pattern No ii ilW"e action J5" So if ,hcre is nt)tlin oize systemically or organically wrong, try Name Gold Medal Capsules. They've been famous fa-mous for prompt action for 30 years. Take Address cafe (n use ti,em ony as directed. Accept ' I oo substitutes. 35 at your drug itore. J For war-time baking RlSm )) If ... for quick breads and jUJpMl f II Use the baking powder fiioj7 ji t you would uts for your ttniTim.rnLV fines, cake. MfML - j f ""' ii.imMigiiinw n7T? 'A "I'M TOO YOUNG f 1 TO FEEL y SO OLD" -".:." " i - rM7W.w i 1 1 ntmr i lit ;"-m. t. '" y-tri'i" . . . -M'f.- .., , ,,,.- ;;;iiSiiJlS0RET0E3Ej MUSCLE TAIXS can do it to yon SOOtheS fast With ' make yon feel oi-look drawn and hnppard. sorf.tonb Liniment n n I W IjJPftTT contains metliyl unlirylato, a most LjULU I i til I ! effective pain-rrlievinR MRent. And ' fwtaaw llBafll Snretonc's cold heat action brings m ffB f yon fat, so-o-o-thing relief. ill I II III 1. 0'c'y Snrrlone arli to en- 1 hanre local circulation. in cmtt of l 2. Check muscular cram,,.. A MUSCULAR LUMBAGO 3. Help reduce local swelling, BACKACHE ' 4. Dilatr nurf ace capillary blond dut to ftlpu tr txpoturt TC',cU' . , , , 1 MUSCULAR PAINS ' For Iateft action, let dry, rub in TTTj u.tmoldi again. There's onlf one Sorctone ' r ' rnr niirmrp iniFt on ft for Sorctone results. - 50RE MUSCLES s 50c tig bottle, only tl. r ' '"' u "r"k i , 'l-j MINOR SPRAINS . vl; .. J 1 ' -l'.' ' 'V. -j t! l.r &:j H ZT. I Ti,-niel, PPlt.fl reld. nil. "and McKesson makes it" tiilil Tua at"wuVtiL j I INDIAN BEEF By Harold Channihg Wire $.Y ;-i jSrgjftf Hidden peril lay along the fC'i"-' fjjfb J route a great trail drive ''y$4jlt bom Texas x1 Wyoming. 4:V. .' frf yiy How Lew Burnet, trail ', k t jL boss, met that peril is told 'iHnX in "indian Beef" Ij'VlJ'' YVJ HerS 'S 8 Stry Whcre fW'KHJ i) curage and darins and wl i fcV.'- f skil! in gunplay have lead" ! Vf Stf ' y' ,'i'i'jL:Y ing roles. Be sure to read ' , TiVv) this thrilling serial. J P)U;M(f( Look for It immr'n in this mmWlW NEWSPAPER ; nCtZlKlhJIKltZ NEXT ISSUE |