Show MENS MEN'S t I H INTRAMURAL SPORTS s i t I 1 I H By DOUG ERDMAN The annual intramural ski meet I which was called off due to conflicts conflicts conflicts con con- with the scheduled time is to tobe tobe tobe be held Saturday Jan 21 at 12 o'clock on Eckers Ecker's hill Plaque Given I The events include th the cross country run of about five miles and jumping The jumps will take takei i place on the amateur jump Every team manager will be held for at least three men and not more than six Points will be allowed for each participant and an award will willbe willbe be given the winning team Hoop Starts Tuesday The second basketball s series ries will get under way next Tuesday January January January Jan Jan- uary 24 and team managers should be getting their men in shape for forthe forthe forthe the wrestling and handball matches match match- c es which will take place in about the following two weeks |