Show Sues Father To Pay For Education Denver IP The suit of a ason ason son to force his father to pay payI I the expenses of his college education education education edu edu- cation has been dismissed here hereby hereby hereby by a judge in the District Court The defendant in the suit was A. A V. V Smith New York attorney and the plaintiff was his son WILliam Wil ViI liam V. V S. S Smith former University University University sity of Colorado football star Son William charged that in re return return return re- re turn for love affection and other valuable considerations his father father father fa fa- ther had promised to pay his college college college col col- col- col lege expenses In the suit filed more than a year ago the football ex-football player said his father had failed to give him the 1900 which his four years in college cost him Young Smiths Smith's attorney Harold HaroldT T 1 T. T King said he would appeal the case to the Colorado Supreme Court |