Show I 1 SOUTH TRACT Private Reed Stone spent a day 3 leave visiting here with Mrs Stone and Mr and Mrs G. G M. M Moulton Saturday evening the Community it ity Church Dinner club held their meeting at the home of Miss Betty Kennelly A Bible lesson was given given en by Rev Harry Wooding Chad Fidel who is attending the B B. B A. A C C. C at nt Cedar City spent pent the week end with his parents Mr am and Mrs J. J P P. P Fidel David Baker who has been attending attending attending at at- tending Westminster College spent a few days with his par parents Mr and Mrs F. F L L. L Baker before leaving leaving leaving leav leav- ing for the army air corps Saturday Feb 27 Mr J. J C. C Kennelly returned to Delta Saturday with a throat in He has been employed in defense work at Tooele Utah |