Show ti Men Inducted Into the Armed Services Among the Count County Counts registrants registrants regis- regis i. i trants called for induction for Mart Mar t 1943 are several boys from the c. c f west side of the county as follows r Order No Name Address 1126 James Alma Elliott Lynndyl George E E. E Delta r Julian JuHan Sugarman Brooklyn n Cleo Ray Damron Delta 1 Leland Joy Jos Roper Oak City Thomas Earl Sims Garrison i Neldon S. S Broderick Delta r- r Carl Byron DorIus Dorlus Delta Dorius has far ahead r of his number and in all aU likelihood E wIll will be included in the March call caU but there may be circumstances to toI qs I hold him out until April Broderick's Broderick's Broderick's Broder- Broder icks ick's is the number in the regular call |