Show OJ Ot o g hv o na nt tc t Mr and Mrs W W. R R. Pett Petty y wen went 1 to Salt Lake City during the pasi past pas week and are remaining there fo for fOI r medical treatment for lor Mrs Petty Mr ir t and nd Mrs Quin Shepherd mada made mad madea e a a. a trip IP to Salt Lake City during the e wee week Cou County ou ty Assessor Claude Robins Robin s worked on the business district o of sf f Delta Deltas I i helping t to o list property Y statements on Monday He was accompanied accompanIed accompanied ac ac- companied by Deputy Deput Staple Mrs Norman Rymer and her little lIttle little lit lit- lIt lIt- tle daughter from Salt Lake City came to Delta Sunday and are Vi visiting visiting vis vis- lUng here with her parents Mr 1 and Mrs M. M M M. M Mrs V V. E. E Cook and her daughter daugh daugh- ter Jessie Lynn went to Salt Lake City Friday where they visited Mrs O. O A. A and returned here Sunday 1 H H. H H. H Sherwood returned to Delta Sunday from a weeks week's visit in Salt Lake City on business Gerard erard Judd who i is s attending the University of Utah was recently recent recent- ly made a member of Alpha Chi I Sigma a national honor fraternity I with membership based on schol schol- I He is the son son of Mrs Peter Gronning of ot Delta Mr and Mrs J. J F. F Garcher and famil family visited friends in Salt Lake City on Thursday and Friday of last week I Frank Heise Jr went to Salt Lake Cit City p last week on business I Mr and Mrs Clair Gardner spent Monday in Salt Lake City where Mr Gardner bought a new aerator and cooler to put in his dairy Glen Roberts visited here during the week with his parents Mr and Mrs Frank Roberts and and- returned to Bremerton Washington where he is employed Mr and Mrs Orran Ashby went to Salt Lake City Sunday and r returned re returned re- re turned here Monday Mrs Gail Bywater and her two sons of Salt Lake City are visiting in Delta with her parents Mr an and Mrs Clyde Underhill Mrs C. C A. A Maly returned to Delta Tuesday after an absence of three months Mrs Maly has been recovering recovering recovering ering from a major in the hospital at Bingham She had just come home when she received word of the death of her sons son's wife Mrs Art Maly in Los Angeles Don C. C Jones son of Mr and Mrs 1 Calvin H. H Jones left Salt Lake City I Wednesday for the eastern coast where he will be in active duty ata at ata a petty officer in the Construction Regiment of the U. U S. S Navy Mr and Mrs Bernard Jackson entertained entertained entertained en en- at a party in honor of their brother Russell who is leavIng leaving leaving leav leav- ing Friday for Army service Games Gam- Gam es were played and lunch was served served served ser ser- ved to the and Mr and Mrs Brose Roberts Mr and Mrs Fred Turner Mr and Mrs Ferrell Walker Walk Walk- Valker er Mr and Mrs Harold Wind Mr and Mrs 1 Max Johnson and Miss Ruth Hansen r A A. L. L Jones returned to Salt Lake Lak City on Thursday of last week after af after after af- af ter a visit here with witti his family He made the trip to Delta with Mrs Jones sister Mrs A. A G. G Fisher and brother J. J Woodard were going on to Los Angeles t l Mrs Norris Larsen from Bright Brigham J t am City has lias been visiting in Delta Delt i this week with her parents Mr an and andi i Mrs A A. A E. E Stephenson 1 Miss Aliss Mary Gardner has Ins returned 1 to Delta from California where sh she has spent the last month visiting her sister Mrs Johnson at Santa Paula Mrs Clinton 1 emmott from Salt Sal t Lake City visited visited in Delta with her parents Mr and Mrs Villiam William Bishop during the past week r Mrs 1 Leo Cahoon and her little daughter from Salt Lake City arrived arrived arrived ar- ar rived in Delta last Thursday for a visit with her parents Mr and Mrs W. W J. J Starley Miss Delma Sampson visited in Provo for several days das during tho week Mr and Mrs Geo S. S Boyack drove to Nephi Monday to spend the day with their son sn Dean and famil family p. p As Dean was leaving Tuesday to togo togo togo go to Rock Island Illinois to attend attend attend at at- tend school two months and hen get an appointment with the gov gov- Mrs Boyack and son Allen Al- Al Allen Allen Al Al- len Dean are spending two months at St. St George Leo C. C Cahoon from Salt Lake I City came to Delta Sunday to join 1 Mrs s. s Cahoon and their little daughter daugh daugh- ter Kay Lynn who were visiting here The returned to their home in Salt Lake City Sunday after at attending attending attending at- at tending the wedding of Miss 1 Meri Meri- Merlyn Merilyn Merilyn lyn Starley Stanley and William Villiam Bishop Mr and Mrs Will Vill Killpack made madea a trip to to Salt Lake City on Wed Wed- Mrs Mont Anderson is in Fillmore Fillmore Fillmore Fill- Fill more this week where she is substituting substituting substituting sub sub- for the physical education teacher in the Fillmore high school Mrs Sepha Robison went to Cedar Cedar Cedar Ce Ce- dar City during the week to be with her daughter Mrs 1 Elmer McClellan McClellan Mc Me Clellan whose little son is ill Mrs Marion 1 Henrie underwent an emergency operation in the Delta Delta Delta Del Del- ta hospital on Sunday evening for fora a ruptured appendix Mrs Joseph Damron from Salt Lake City arrived in Delta Wednesday Wednesday Wed Wed- to visit her daughter Mrs Spencer Wright Mr and Mrs Bert Taylor have anew a anew anew new son born oborn March 1 10 Mr and Mrs Harold Wind Vind of Sutherland have a n new son born March 12 Mr and Mrs 1 Leroy Bills went to Salt Lake City a week ago and andI andare andare andare I are remaining there for medical for Mr Bills I Farr Nelson from San Francisco spent a few days in Delta this week week and with his father Peter Nelson at Leamington Millard County bought U.S. U.S. U.S. U. U S. S Defense Bonds in January part of the Utah total of according according according ac ac- cording to the figures given Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day in the Salt Lake Tribue Be courteous of behavior and affable affable affable af af- fable to all men there is nothing that winneth so much with so little little little lit lit- tle cost Sir Sir Henry Sidney Let a smile do the service of a sermon Louis Anspacher |