Show F. F F. F A. A Advisor Visits Delta Mark Nichols Utah State F FF F A advisor visited the Delta chapter on March starch 6 Mr Nichols made many helpful suggestions for improvement improvement im im- provement in the Delta chapter Eugene Sanford who won the Delta chapter public speaking coni con- con i speaking on the subject Ag- Ag the Ever In In- In Orvin Barney and Dean Nielson were also contestants for forthe forthe forthe the chapter title Eugene Eugen placed third at the district contest in competition competition competition com com- petition with contestants from the Fillmore Hurricane Cedar Cedar Cedar Ce Ce- dar City Dixie Milford Beaver and Parowan chapters The Parowan Parowan Par Par- owan van and Milford contestants placed placed placed ed first and second respectively The district t contest was held i In 11 Hinckley Hinckle March 5 |