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Show " ;';js tks Grmi !'tr I Denver. With the passage of thi Moffat tunnel. tUl by a vote of 29 to 4 end of the Peterson flood prevent tioh bill by M to 2, the state 'senate tat brought nearer the day ;; when northwestern. Colorado will have d ' quftte railroad , transportation and southern 'Colorado will be protected' against flood. ' ' - Sault Ste. Marie, Out It Is report-ed report-ed that within the last two weeks 12.1 claims have been staked In the Gour-deau Gour-deau gold area,, making the fetal number of claims' to date over 600. Some of the latest claims' are being staked eighteen miles west of Gour-leau. Gour-leau. , . '. . t Calgary. Oalgary has become famous fam-ous as having the largest annual association as-sociation auction Bale of pure bred bulla in the world. At the twenty-first annual sale this spring 423 pure bred beef sires from the best herds of Alberta Al-berta changed hands at the local stockyards. stock-yards. In the past wenty-one years since the initial sale of 1901, a total of 5051 pure bred bulls have been sold for an aggregate of $1,029,750. Winnipeg, Man. With an early spring well on the way, plenty of moisture (guaranteed for the , early months, a bumper crop was predicted for Manitoba in 1922 by Hon. G. II. Malcolm, minister of agriculture. The acreage is estimated at 4,902,660, as compared with 4328,200 acres in 192a Salt Lake City, This city has a brand new radio telephone club, the ftrst of its kind to be organized in Utah or the intermountain . country. The new organization is to be known xt the Radio club of the Commercial club. Its sponsors are members of the Commercial club. They have ordered or-dered a complete wireless telephone outfit and within a short time expect to be receiving messages out of the ozone and "listening in" on all of the big news sent broadcast via the radl' telephone. Suit Lake City. Breeding sows in Utuh, in April the figures being the compilation of the United States de-mrtment de-mrtment of agriculture, show 12,0(XI as compared with 11,000 in 1921. For J the country at large the figures sho that breeding bows on farms, April 1, were 11.1 per cent more than they n-ara a vnr -liofrira thnt rlnta fMa rete of Increase is extremely lurge. The number of these animals this year is estimated to be 12,424,0000, or an Increuse of 1,237,000 animals within :he year. The generally accepted explanation ex-planation of an expected large in-crease in-crease in breeding sows this spring Is the corn crop of last year, which was larger than usual, and the unusually unus-ually large farm stocks of corn. Hogs were needed to eat the corn, and also corn was worth more as pork than as corn.1 Bait Lake City. The annual operatic oper-atic production of the University of Utah will be given in the Salt Lake theatre on Muy 5 and 6, when Miobs'mi-t's Miobs'mi-t's grand opera "Manon," will be presented. pre-sented. The title role will be taken by Mrs. Edna Evans Johnson. Sha has been beard In "Pagliaccl." "Aida," and other productions, and Is at present pres-ent a members of the musical department depart-ment of the university. Pocatello. The appropriation for the rehabilitation of the Fort Hall roc-lanwtion roc-lanwtion project will be available within a short time .according to a letter received by C. B. Ross of the Idaho Farm Bureau Federation from 1 Congressman Addison T. Smith. Fond Du Inc, Wis. Dying to music was accomplished by Mrs. Herman Kahl, sged 24, of Oukfleld, who committed com-mitted suicide by drinking poison. When the husband came home he found his wife lying on the bed in her room. The phonograph was playing, a safety razor blade was found beside her, but she had not used It Notes J expressing disgust and uissaiisractiijn 1 with life were found in different parts of the homo. Chicago. The fourth week of the nation-wide suspension of coal m'nlng operations finds large stocks oa hand, a 'diminishing demand and stagnant markets for all grades, at prices practically prac-tically unchanged as compared with values of April 1. ElackfooL Edward Taylor, 7 years of age, and his brother, Leroy, lVa years of age, sons of James B. Taylor, living near Kimball, eight miles north of ftlackfoet, are dead; Keith Tavlor, 5 years of sge, Is at the point of death, all from strychnine taken with' co-oi t dinner Saturday. The fourth smHlJ brother, detecting the bitterness; Ava tnrructd by the father not to'drln sty more. ' Be Is expected Jo recover Leroy died a few hours after partakina and, Edward twelve hours afterward. Aberdeen, Wash. A tour around the world by the lumber schooner Elinor H., owned here, which reJiKly left Vancouver B. C, with 1,700,000 feet of lumfcer, will consume from ten to eighteen eigh-teen months, accnrjlng to weitthe conditions tiis vessel encounters.' Th F-Mner If.. ptlotrr Captain Chris Ah-ilersvn, Ah-ilersvn, wtll round the Flora, cross th AtUntle and deliver her cargo at Dun ban. South Arloa. From Afrlc nhe trill hesd for Australia wlil liiur return here across the Psrtflr. making s i-ouiplste circuit of the (lube. |