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Show LACK OF OIL RUINS STARTER Lack of Lubrication May Cause Bear, ings to Become Dry, Overheat and Finally Seize, A starting motor In good condition will respond instantly whenever It la desired to crank the engine, and will continue efficiently the cranking operation oper-ation as long as It receives current from the battery. Lack of attention, however, especially In regard to lubrl-cutlon, lubrl-cutlon, may cause bearings of the starter to become dry, overheat and finally seize. This trouble may not be noticeable during a previous use, but on attempting to again crank the engine en-gine the starter refuses to revolve. No amount of pressure on the switch button but-ton will move the starter armature until the bearing has been cooled and properly lubricated. These bearings require but little oil, but should receive re-ceive a definite amount regularly. |