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Show If You Need a Medietas Yo'ii Should Havs the Best Hav. yon rrer stopped to reason why It is that so many products that are extensively ex-tensively advertised, all at onoa drop oat of sight and art soon forgotten? Ths reason is plain ths article did not fulfill the promises of ths manufacturer. This applies mora particularly to a medicine. A medicinal preparation that has real curative value almost sells itself, as like an endless chain system ths remedy Is recommended by those who have been benefited to those who are In need of it. A prominent druggist says, "Take for example Dr. Kilmer's Rwamp-Root, a preparation I have sold for many years and never hesitate to recommend, for in almost every case it shows excellent results, re-sults, as many of my customers testify. No other kidney remedy has so large a sale." According to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who havs used the preparation, the success of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Roott is dus to the fact, so many people claim, that it fulfills almost al-most every wteh In overcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailments, corrects uri-nnry uri-nnry troubles and neutralises ths urie acid which Cannes rheumatism. Yon may receive a asmple bottle of Swamp-Root by parcel post. Addreae Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ringhamton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents; also mention this paper. Large and medium size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Advertisement. - HAIR STAYS COMBED, GLOSSY Hair Groom" Keeps Hair Combed Well-Groomed. GROOM ( r&H Keeps Hair C $J. i CombedJ p s Millions Use It Fine for Hair! Not Sticky, Greasy or Smelly, A few cents buys a Jar of "Ilnlr-Oroom" "Ilnlr-Oroom" at any drug store. Even stubborn, stub-born, unruly or shampooed hair stays combed all day In any style you like. Llalr-Oroom" Is a dignified combing cream which gives that natural gloss and well-groomed effect to your hair-that hair-that final touch to good dress both In business and on social occasions. Greaselesa, stainless "Hair-Groom" does not show on the hair because It Is absorbed by the scalp, therefore your hair remains so soft and pliable and so natural that no one can possibly pos-sibly tell you used It. Help You Run the Ball -brine home the bacon, collar the blue) Tate, carry tha message to Garcia, etc 1ITTLE Raisins, full of energy and .iron, will put the pep into you that makes winning play. Use via Jike it in your business, too. One hundred and fortjr-fivt cal cries of energizing nutriment in every . Irtle -fWeent red box that you see. Comes from fruit sugar in practically prac-tically predicated form levulose, tha scientists call it to it goes to work almost immediately. Rkh in food-iron food-iron also. Try these little raisins when you're hungry, lasy, tired or faint See how ! they pick you up and set you on your , toes. Little Sun-Maids "Between - Meal" ZffiSx " Raisins m cla 5c Everywhere)' Had Your Iron Today? Sf lly the time people become thoroughly thorough-ly accustomed to dull times business eets better. DYED HER SKIRT, DRESS, SWEATER AND DRAPERIES WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Each package of "Diamond Dyes" eon-tains eon-tains directions so simple any woman can dv or tint her worn, shabby dresses, skirts, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, coverings, draperiea, hangings, everything, even if she hss never dvea before. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect horns dyeing is sure because Diamond Dia-mond Dyes are guaranteed not to spot, fade, stresk, or run. Tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton ar mixed goods. Advertisement. Iflll (PqS1S Insures Fresh Charm to Old Shawls UW UjjJllig) PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dyes or tints as you wish Joseph A. Widmer V) , m,J' j J aA.-. JkV. ,w '--'1y';'i:i,i,ilii How's Your Blood? Do You Need a Tonic? Helena, Mont- "Dr. Pierce's Gold-In Gold-In Medical Discovery has no equal as a blood tonic or as a liver and stomach medicine. I was in very bad physical condition, due to having liver trouble and gastric stomach condition. con-dition. My food did not digest properly, would ferment, and gas would form, giving me great distress. I also suffered with severe bilious headaches and my blood was in an Impoverished state. By the use ofj the 'Golden Medical Discovery I was relieved of all these conditions which had caused me so much trouble and distress. My liver became active, my food digested well, my blood was sjood and I felt like a new man," Joseph A. Widmer, 307 Hoback St Obtain the Discovery in tablets ofj liquid from your nearest druggist or) end 10c for trial pkg. to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. X and yrit (or free, medical advise "COLD IN THE HEAD" Is an acuta attack of Nasal Catarrh. Thoaa subject to frequent "colds" ar generally In a "run down" condition. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE) Is a Treatment consisting- of an Ointment, to be used locally, and a Tonle, which acts Quickly through the Blood on th. Mucous Mu-cous Surfaces, building up the System, and making you less liable to "colds. " Bold by druggists for over 40 Tears. F. 3. Cheney V Co., Toledo, O. EYES SORE? T EYEWATER A muabla snd spaedr ramertr since in. Bar M font drug-flu's or John L. Ttwimpftn tns A On., IS HlTot Bumi. Tror. M. T. BOOKLCT SUEB. jPSI . For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Beais the Or 1 Signature O vi flclflOTOpldffl.M",? 01 fill air m & ( iP In McJs-n Use fLsu jr Over II Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper, tmi cc ntauh company, niw vomk city. lliirWtli iiihtl Jtowf rsktisi istit iri.slwii iw.uWmijr1 ri aildsWa niasiii n'wsiirTrniilffff IfTinlianNiiiinfc ill'" "I11 " " i'Ii.iiiiib if BMMthmj.t let the ' in f Wl Are you fagged and fogfywhen you wake aS jtC A up In the morning? "There's a Reason." !WLf Jifc Coffee and tea are known to affect many people that way. Often, these beverages "ill' f-r?.s4 cause nervousness, sleeplessness and '''rMtit iH ' severe headache. "There's a Reason." rlJF I Postum, made from wheat roasted just ''WrFREAL ii like coffee, is a delightful mealtime bev- IfW- il?' erage free from any element of harm. jI 1 IpT- Try it instead of coffee or tea, and let rfly BeveaAOS the sunshine in. (JtSTAIT w,; t 32i5S g rOStlim FOR HEALTH fejgp S "There's a Reason" ZTZSTZ stantly In ths cup by ths addition of boil-In boil-In wstsr. Poatum Csraul (in packages) Mad. by Poatum Cr.al Company, Inc. ,or thoM h r'fr to msk. th. drink Battle Cr..k. Mich. bVht''n1 P'i mad. oy boiling fully 20 mlnutea. |