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Show ' THE PRESS-BULLETI- N Good Things to Eat Reasonable Rates and Prompt Service. CHS (IE ; Opposite Town. HalL Open Day and Night. Tables for Ladies. Phone 243. Meals Served to Accommodate the Shifts, : saysl'm a good skate" A REAL pal that's Chesterfield. -C- hesterfield Look P"HeI at its record. Three million smokers less than five years on the market!. Two words explain it "They Satisfy." Our expert buyers in the Orient select for . Chesterfields only the finest tirade of the four choicest varieties of Turkish tobacco. ; i 1 J V . To these are added the best of mild but ' ' CS " full-bodi- ed Domestic leaf. P m. But, In the end, it's the blend that makes . '. A , S V . Chesterfields "aiy." And the blend our Jf '." 5 f - ' private formula cannot hi copied.' ' ' I I,, Extra wrapper. of moisture-proo- f ' I :; paper stab V th flavor. r , R. G. BEE I Maker of Good Clothes for Men 1 Woodring Building I J LOOK HERE j Home Made Candy I i S Light Lunches, Hot Tamahs and Chili S All Kinds of Sandwiches Royal Candy Co. ! b iiiuHiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimuiii : s S s s S B mm ' S S g For Breakfast 3 Dinner and j Supper j I eat plenty of good bread j " OOD BREAD the kind made as VJ we make it from the finest j wheat flour and other pore and I H wholesome ingredients Its ft food 5 1 friend-t- o every man, woman and ! 8 child. 1 - IT STRENGTHENS, SUSTAINS S 6 I AND NOURISHES" E Reduce the number of courses yon ! B now serve at meals, and get the habit j Q' of eating more of our wholesome, B 8" appetizing bread. - - - jj . 9 - M Your practice of that suggestion 3 y means less household expense, less B 5 labor, better health and greater con- - B tentment. E STANDARD BREAD CO. i1 S 8 g Daily Fashion Hint 8683 Jflk 8670 V A HINT OF SPBI2TO. The new cottons are fascinating and they are developed into lovely frocks tor women Southward bound. This model in wistaria marquisette has the gathered skirt and simple blouse joined under a girdle of gor-geous wiaKarla satin ribbon. The round collar is finished with an ac-cordion plaited frill of net In self-col-and the gathered vest is also of net Medium Ize requires 5, yards h marquisette, with ft yard net and 2 yards rib-bon. Pictorial Review Blouse No. 868S. Sizes, 84 to 46 Inches bust. Price, 15 cents. . Skint No. 870. Sices, 84 to hniii, nwiat Priori. S oents. ' Back of Every fWS'lh? Member Bank: . $2,200,000,000 in .VlTS. 5?!rk Gold Reserve '1 ft; Yow Share in thisVast Reserve f $2,200,000,000 Jf ' I WIS vast Gold Reserve is only one of our L 1 advantages as a Member Bank of the Fed-- AJ era! Reserve System. 1 And when you come o us for your banking Q fp(j needs this advantage is yours also. 7 jgfj Banking safety ia the result of this mem-- Bingham State Bank iS&22OO,O00,0OO IN RESERVE , - I BUY COAL NOW j ; ; Dr. Garfield, U. S. Fuel Administrator, is "Uncle Sam's" ; ; ; right hand man where coal is concerned. Dr. Garfield has ; made this pointed statement: ; "I do not thin; I would be doing my duty if I did not let the public know the situation. Only by ; buying coal now so that miners will have work and ; ; will continue to mine coal, can a very serious short-- - ; . ; ; age be avoided.' ; ; ; Bight now you can secure the coal of your choice at our ; ; . yards in any quantity you want and at the lowest shortage ! prices. ; i CMZENS COAL CO. Bingham, Utah I Most complete line ofstaple and I fancy groceries in the camp. Delivery service and prices are both unequaled. - We solicit your business. J. & H. Grocery Co. formerly The Just Grocery, 93 Carr Fork . j I Phone 366. J I Elden Johnson and I Fred Hurville, Props. I QUICK RELIEF FROM CONSTIPATION Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That is the joyful cry of thousands since Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician for 17 years and calomel s old-tim- e enemy, discovered the formula for Olive Tablets while treating patients for chronic constipation and torpid livers, Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not contain calomel, but a healing, soothing vegetable laxative. No griping is the "keynote" of these little sugar-coate- d, olive-color- tab-- lets. They cause the bowels and liver to j act normally, They never force them to unnatural action. ' If you have a "dark brown mouth" bad breath a dull, tired feeling sick headache torpid liver constipation, you'll find quick, sure and pleasant re-- suits from one or two of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime. ThousantU take tham every night iut tokeepriebt. TortiMO. 10c and 25c I ArJi. dealers and department stores ' f g SjNGOMOGR SPIMNO BED OA V. f MEN'S SILLY IDEA Too Many Think Themselves "Matrimonial Bargains." Notion That Spinsters Are Lying In Wait to Snatch Them Is Laughed At By Writer in London Periodical. "You take care, old bean ; there are three daughters, and a fellow has to be jolly careful when mothers are about." He was very young; man, and his position In life nothing to crow about. But he'd put. himself oa the bargain counter of life ever since be read that there were seven women to every man, remarks a writer in London An-swers. - A food many men have grown in-- ! dated about their owa value since ail the talk f surplas spinsters, and some of them go about with their hearts in armor plating, fearful lest some designing spinster may "catch them,'.' The knowledge that they're not In a position to keep a wife makes bo difference; they Imagine that men are so scarce that any girl would snap at them. And the poor spinster looks on and laughs. She isn't is nearly so great a hurry te wed as ir. Young Man thinks and she's really rather particular about the bargains she picks up, knowing full well that not all things so labeled turn out to be genuine bargains. She In her turn, In spite of the man short-age, has the idea that she is an Im-portant person. Both young men and girls are getting rather fond of label-ing themselves bargains these days. You see, many girls have come on of late years. They are earning ample salaries and hold good positions for which they have qualified themselves. It Is true that In some Instances they got those positions because the men were away, but not in every Instance. Many a girl has won through sheer merit. If one looks at the bachelor women of today the Inflated Idea which so many young men have of themselves does seem rather silly. A girl who is in a good post would have to give up a lot for marriage; not that she would mind that if she loved her man. Then, too, she may have got together quite a nice home of her own and, al-though there are times when she is rather lonely, still, she manages to have quite a good time on the whole. The man who won her would find that little home, ready made, a boon in these days of highly priced furniture. Small wonder that the bachelor girl rather resents the outlook of the young man of today. She doesn't like hi? bargain-counte- r attitude, although she errs in the same way. She is a far more independent person than was even her own mother, and she knows the value of freedom along with the drawbacks. She also knows Just exactly what she wants In a man she could marry and, what is more, if she can't get what she wants she Is ready to remain a spinster to the end of the chapter. The young man who labels himself a bargain rarely comes up to her Ideal and ideas. Let's have a little less of the bargain counter, Mr. Young Man and Miss Bachelor Girl. The great rule of "give and take" still holds for happiness and there's finer pleasure in giving than in taking. Strange Pledgee, A little while back an airman, who evidently found himself in temporary difficulties, paid a visit to the Mont de Piete, as the state-owne-d pawn-brokin- g establishment Is ealled In France, and offered a new monoplane In pledge. He was told, however, that the "article" did not appear In the schedule of goods that could be ac-cepted, according to London Answers. A menagorie proprietor conceived the Idea of raising money by trotting his elephant round to the "Lombard" the Brussels name for a pawnbroker. After a good deal of persuasion "un-cle" agreed to advance 20 on thelg beast, which was deposited In a yard at the rear of the establishment. There he remained four days and at the end of that time he was led back to the menagerie. i TurlcWi Women. Turkish women new sere In Chris-tian houses aniens as occasional char-wome-or washerwomen. Greek and ( Armenian women, oa the other hand, are the mainstay of the ConsapUroplf nusekeeper; even Turks often employ them to keep their big houses. Big Bruin Falls In the CeteklHs. Eugene aTerr, the aged guide who was with the Olney Redmond party on their bear-huntin- g expedition in the Interior of the Catsktlls, told Mr. Red-mond that the bear be took In the Peekaraoose region, town of Doming, was the largest one of the "Racer" species that he had ever seen, and Mr. Kerr has been living in that section of the Catsktlls nearly all of the sixty-eig-years of hie life and Is said to have taken more than forty bears In that time. The animal Is said to be an unusually line specimen. It measures T feet S Inches from tip of Its hind feet to the point of Its nose. Its weight is estimated at between 250 and 300 pounds. Cetskill Mountain News. . Empty Tltiee. "Whafe In a namer said the ready quotation!. "Nothln" whatever,"': replied Uncle Bill Bottletop, "if you go by such names as 'highball' and 'rickey, as they are aew printed on prohibition wine cards." Washington Star. Hie Way. "I notice yeur avlater friend never tays leog at one place when he gees to pay calls." "N ; aataraUy ha saevkes oni fltag Pen-itr- y. Mi the afcaeat ahUeMnher. "It's a aseasi bmm whe wW lead his little bef te believe he la senallees whea the Ml ttfha far ." A War Child, "Tmaar, shall I never teach yea that It Isn't fight to throw hand gr. aades at yeureldersr Sondage Nlsee, Buntjtal. |