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Show LOGANSOCIETY Mrs. E. It. Owen is spending this week In Salt Lako City. Agnes Stevens spent the past week at her home In Ogdcn. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Clirlstensen are among tlioso attending the stato fair In Salt Lake. 4 if- Tho Misses Mnrgnict nnd Rebecca Cardon left jostonla t spend a few Oays In Salt Lako City. . Mcsdanics T. H. Ilumplueys, J. Z. Stewart, and J. M Anderson wont to Salt Lake City on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. It. Hoey have ppent a few days In Salt Lake City this week attending the I"air. t- i Miss Larcno Anderson of Drlgham City spent last week end hero with ' friends. ' I j Mr. S. C. Schloss of San Francisco Francis-co was tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Julius Jacob&on last week end. Lock Hales, (Of Spanish Fork wa.i a house guest of Alpha Delta Epsll-on Epsll-on for two days of last week. Mrs. Bertram Wilkinson Smith entertained Wednesday at dinner In honor of a number of Sorosis. Jennie Reese- nnd Tholma Pctor-eon Pctor-eon were dinner guests of Eltna and Erma Dcnnlon Sunday. Allan Cannon, Olcn Loveless and George Spencer are spending tho week end In Salt Lake. Miss Fetn Osmond of Shelly, Ida., will spend this week hero a guest at the Sorosis -house. Mrs. D. C. Dudgo left yesterday morning for a few'dayH in Salt Lake City. ' ' V . The maxrlagc of Win. H. Llnford ' and Vernal J. Parkinson took place, this week In, th'ls city. I Mr. and Mrs. Ray Humphreys of Afton, Wyoming, wero tho guests during the fore part of tho week of M. and Mrs. T. H. Humphreis. i I Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Iludge returned return-ed to this city on last Saturday after a more than four months absenco abroad, t , j a - The Mlssex Portia nad Julia Stewart Ste-wart and Veda Anderson motored to Drlgham and spent one dny this week. . !. ) Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Geddes left Wednesday for Los Angeles whero Mr. Geddes will tako up tho study of dentistry. The Misses Lillian McCullock and Norma Olson were cntertalnod by Mrs. O. W. Peterson with a duels dinner on Tuesday. i o The Phi Kappa Iota opening stag wes held-last night at tho chapter house between tho hours of eight and eleven. Miss Rebecca Cardon entertained a few intimate- friends on Wednesday Wednes-day evening at a duck supper. Tho tablo waB decorated with fall flowers flow-ers and covers wero laid for six. I Mr. and Mrs. Erlck Johnson have! returned from their wedding tour, a forcnlghts motorlnR trip thiough Colorado. Mrs. L. Mallard Cardon was hostess host-ess at a dinner Sunday given nt her homo. The center of tho tablo was graced with a cluster of nastrualns and covers wero lnld for eight. I Yosterdny afternoonjtho member.) of tho Pan Hellenic gave a recoptlon tx 'all of tbd girls attending the U. A. C. It waa glvon in tho worn-ons worn-ons gymnasium which w.ib prettily decorated with flowering plants for tho occasion. Refreshments wore served ser-ved and a jdellgutful social hour enjoyed. |