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Show On Monday evening Mrs. Wm. H H Goodscll entertnlncd with a very M attractively appointed party In honor H of her son, Charles' birthday nnnl H versary. Tho decorations were car- M rled out In n color uchemo of brown M and whlto and tho same schemo of M color was carried out In tho re- M freshments. Tho ovcnlng was spent H In various games and dancing M Those nttendlng were the Misses. H Ha Hcrbrlg, Lcopa McNeil, La H Vonna Lundbcrg, Helen Lundborg. H Erma Olson. Afton Hansen, Isabclle H Goodscll, Phyllis Cook, Messrs Floyd H McNeil, Ben Honks, Win. Jnnoslcy, H Hebor Olson. Skvnn Ellknon, and H Walter Hansen and Nclf Janosky. H Each guest was presented with a H Flower favor In nccord with tho pre- H vailing color scheme. H |