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Show HAULING CROPS TO MARKET Average Farmer Must Haul His Products Prod-ucts 6ix and One-Half Miles ' Other Points. How far must the average farmer j" In the United States haul his crop to market? Exactly six and a half miles,. It can be answered, for the bureau bu-reau of crot estimates of the depart- ment of agriculture has completed an Inquiry Into the whole matter of farm hauling throughout the country. Incidentally, In-cidentally, the results of the Inquiry show that If only one wagon wero available to haul crops It would re-Quire re-Quire about 15,747,000 days for It to complete the job for only the marketed mar-keted portion of three most prominent farm products wheat, corn and cotton. cot-ton. , The Investigation shows that it requires re-quires about half a day for the average aver-age farmer to make a round trip to market, and about two-thirds of a day .on the average for the farmerB farthest farth-est from market to make a similar trip. That uiurket distances are growing grow-ing shorter is shown by the fact that In 1906 It required almost 50 per cent more time for the average round trip. One reason for the improved jcondl-tlons, jcondl-tlons, it is pointed out, Is that since 1906 the steam railroad mileage in the United States has Increased 15 per cent and that many new freight-carrying electric lines have been built Another point brought out by the Inquiry Is that there has been marked improvement in public roads since the X j ' V : i. ' V -'4. i : J ,;i .? ' : ' M: v - V J Concrete Road In Mississippi. bureau's Investigations in 1906. for the size of the average load hauled has nearly doubled since then. A day a haul of wheat in 1900 was 50 bUHhvIa; now it is 112 bushels. In WOO 1.700 pounds of cotton was hnuled In a day; now the average dally haul Is 8,000 pounds. The Inquiry developed the fact that the l.uuls haul.Hl in the cotton country are the smiilW-t but the most valu-nble. valu-nble. Thus the average value ofa load of cotton was found to be 51S-. vheat n md rn $2S. The longest ..,! ,.re found to he In the Rocky mountain states, where Nevada holds the reeord with an average haul for all farmers of 13 miles. The shortest Hauls were shown to be in the mid e West, Ohio at the bottom of the libt with four miles. |