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Show CREOLE MINE IS NOW IN THE PAYING CLASS Cache valley stockholders In the Creole copper ,mlnes,, near Mllford, Beaver county, Utah, will be Interested Inter-ested to know that conditions at tho property aro extremely satisfactory. 'Tho proof of tho pudding Is In tho eating," and tho returns from a mining min-ing property, like all other properties, aro tho all-Important factors. From actual smelter returns, tho property Is In tho paying class "right oft the reel," and all Indications point to the Creole for one of tho big producers of tho state Judge II. A. Pedersen and Horschel Bullen havo just returned from Salt Lake, where they checked over tho smelter returns on tho first five cars of ore, all of which havo been shlppod since their visit to tho property, ono month ago, and found that tho not returns, after freight and smoltor chargos aro taken out, Is over $460 per car, making a total or ovor $2250 for tho first flvo cars loaded. Tho property Is being equipped with an electric hoist for tho Incline, and shaft, and a 12 by 12 Chalmers compressor, that will run from 6 to 8 drills. Skiffs, automatic dumps, heavy rails and other up-to-date mining min-ing appliances are also being added. Elghty-olght cars or oro wero shipped from this property during tho latter part ot 1916 and tho early part ot 1917. The smcltor returns show that theso eighty cars nottcd trom $188.09 to $924.97, or an average, av-erage, or $478 per car.' Tho total not returns, less freight and smelter chargos, was $42,144. This ore was all mined In the crudest way, and practically all the output was shipped. With tho Installation ot modern methodsof mining, the property prop-erty bids fair to soon bo producing ono car or mpro each day, a sufficient suffici-ent output to make it pay a handsome hand-some dividend on the stock. Returns from all stock salos have gono to pay for the property and to equip It. Mr. McDonald, lato from tho Sliver King, has signed a six months' contract as superintendent and says ho will make It a big payor by Septombor 1. |