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Show LiH iHr . H tw A ' i . Mr "5A jv 49Vr r r -SuA B pHsssj. . I The Girl Who I Had No God I By MARY ROBERTS RINEHART I A pulse-stirring tale of a I beautiful young girl who I succeeds her father as I leader of a band of intel- ligent anarchistic bandits. B , A Narrative of Mystery ', 3 Courage ) Love and Sacrifice , MB I Watch Cor and Read I OUR NEW SERIAL - . H . . I EXCURSION EAST I OREGON SHORT LINE I UNION PAGIFIC SYSTEM ' 1 I May 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30; 1 June 2;tJ, 9'13, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30; , I July 4, 11, 18, 25; August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; September 5 and 12, 1917. D Special low fares to Denver, Colorado &M ' Spi-ings, Omaha, Kansas City, . Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, K Minneapolis, Memphis and B many other points. B Long Limits; Diverse Routes; L Stop-Overs. Ask 0. S. L. Agents for rates and further details. I EJfit Fair L,!t Prlcea tm jfpJm Fair Treatment lPlH H f Tested the Country fc I fi yg flj y j.fff Va najpjpjaft I I BLAiEEC SAFEW TREAOTIRESMiSW 1 I 6 $tok$ oaed !n cvcry ct cf our u!cn the sjBhIv 0 si C SU U clictocf every rcc'ion of our land;tc3t . WfMtm'rK U H H "JjL out Coodricli Tires, or.d deliver the EEST V T JdMl WF $ $A it sl C tl Vw to you. Cix Goodrich Test Car Fleets " fPv fflJLK fl i S 2i mal:3 a nation-wido test. a. iflHPifl8'Vv)i t A" j 9 7iil3 Mis Atlcr.tio Float cruisea tlirough the hilla end V JJsWCsIf Nk W ' si If vclleys of New Er.r;'.er.d, the Pccif.c FJcoi haramcrj Uic SlH'Jp VB ftH sH H Cranite hichways of the Western Coast. iTaMVeS 1h ill sH 3 V.1:ilc the Dixio Float braves tho sun of the Couth, tho MfilNfl jfisBl 111 H H LchoFlcot ploucha tlic cand stretches' of Minnota. iSCCJfil bEi flv JJ Wliilc the Prcirio Fleet scours the rood3 around Ilansas iildl HK M B . City, the Llour.tziri Fleet battles the roc!:y trails cf fmRVSw WH ' sl 3 I,!:!lior.3 cf rr-ilcs cf roulilnc it on the road with heavy cars, fitlKWH BBi I 1 M cad liht cars, t!:e vschly average cf the sh: fleets combined is flu4t$3iH B ; " H g . cCO.COO miles settle thj UNIT MOLD UNBKOICEN CUKE lUBlJI fP j principle, Gosdricli has clrrzyz charr.pior.cd, as tho ONE (TMwTnPB g f& QMi6.tM.,-,iivu.j e.r Xrectmcnt cancc.s t..e fracticn. Luy tins uflnLUWH tBvf I! 9Lh X 'yytf'. ccrtdr.iy cf reot'ora frc i:ro trouble, and last- (HBiHft vlsMp I IH U'AD,ib.Tt LCCAL BRANCH AEDRES3 m M A' S f3iTi-?mB - zw jto" nfflWma I , SOLD BY p W :, SPENCER AUTO COMPANY . I Federal Avenue - :-: Logan, Utah END STOMACH TROUBLE, GASES OR DYSPEPSIA "Pipe's Dlapepsln" mikes sick, tour, tjay stomachs surely feel fine In five minutes. If what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lied like a lump ol lead, or you belch gsk and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dlzzincsB, heartburn, fullnesc, nausea, had tanta in mouth and stomach-ucad. ache, you can get relief In five minutes liy neutralizing acidity. Put an end to such stomach dlttrcta now by getting a lirrgo fifty-cent case of Pape's Dlapepaln from ony drug store. You realize In flto minutes how needlcis It Is to suffer from indigestion, dyapepila or any stonv I acli disorder caused by food fermrntatien duo to cwessive aold in sUmsch. |