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Show LABOR AND SUPPLY BUREAU SERVICE Moro than two hundred men and boys havo reglstercde for work, and of these over fifty have beon placced on Jobs. We havo no dlfffl-culty dlfffl-culty In placing organized groups, but lone boys aro not called for so frequently. Let the boys Join somo group already organized, or organize themselves under a responsible foreman, fore-man, and come pdeparcd to leave home nights. Most of tho work Is too far from Logan to pormlt coining home overy ovenlng. If you need farm hands ,beet workers, work-ers, clerks, stenographers, etc., don't hesitate to call on us. Wo can furnish men with teams, and havo for sale, team3, wagons, machinery, etc. An experienced lady stenographer wants office work. A young lady wishes to start In factory or offlco and learn the work. Middle-aged lady wants houso work, a few hours each day. We would appreciate It If all who have found work or laborers through the bureau, would report tho fact to tho office. These timely suggestions aro offered of-fered by the Information service department de-partment of the U. A. C: "Seeds are usually sown more thickly than necessary, and tho extra ex-tra plants resulting must be regarded as weeds. Many of these extra plants may be used as greens or salads, or they may be transplanted. "Frequont and thorough cultivation cultiva-tion is most essential. Cultivation liberates planttfood. preserves moisture mois-ture and Improves the sanitaryjeon-dltton sanitaryjeon-dltton of the soil. Cultivate' ''soon after each rain of each watering to create mulched condition on th'o surface. sur-face. This holds the moisture In. When watering, it should be remem bered that one hoavy application Is better than many sprinklings. "Keep a close watch for Insects and disease." , Have you noticed how hard your ground has been made by the recent rains T Loosen It up, weeds or no weeds, or your crops cannot thrive. Office In Boosters' rooms. Phone 56. |