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Show classified MISCELLANEOUS FOR 11KXT Furnished rooms, modern, from $8 to f 10. 102 West 1st North. 0-15. FOB SALE New buggy nnd harness, har-ness, also good driving horse. Ileal bargain. Call -JG. tf. WANT TO SELL 47 acros of land In Lowlston, 20 acres of beet land, 17 acres good alfalfa or grain land; SO acres of dryfarm land, 3 mllos west of Preston; 40 acres of good Ir-1 Ir-1 rlgatod land at Franklin; good homo at Franklin, All must bo sold at somo prlco. Tor Information nnd terms, seo IX, O. Hatch, Lowlston, Utah. 8-30. roil SALE Milk cow and horses. Inquire B. L .Allen, Preston Tolo-phono Tolo-phono Exchange tf. FOIl SALE 3-year-old maro. Halter Hal-ter broke. Good work animal. Phono 48 for particulars. tf. One hundred flftjt thousand dollars dol-lars to loan on farm and city property, proper-ty, II. A. Tedorson & Co, adv. tf. FOB BENT Furnished rooms for housekeeping, 1G4 South Main. 9-13 ijgBjBjvjBjBjBjBaajBflajBjBjajHBHHH DOLLAR DAY I I At Logan Cash Store I 100 lbs. Fine Preserving Sugar (not delivered) $8.90 I 9 pkgs. Shredded Wheat Biscuits $1.00 12 pkgs. Corn Flakes $1.00 I 5 cans California Peaches (Glass Jars) $1.00 1 4 bottles Blue Label Catsup 96c )A 8 pkgs. N. B. Co. Crackers (any kind) 96c '' I 5 cans Extra Sifted Peas (25c sellers) $1.00 Preserving Time! 7 doz. Best Bottle Rubbers 50c 1 4 doz. Mason Bottle Lids $1.00 25 bars Laundry Soap $1.00 H 35c Coffee, 4 cans for. , $1.00 I 22 cans Light House Cleanser. 1 $1.00 I 1 6 cans 25c Salmon $1.00 J We are selling Extra Fancy Tomatoes today, or any I 1 other day, at per bushel 85c I 1 Logan Cash Store I grtf. Just Under "The Hill.". Phone 760. I ""M"MMMM"M-n'M,"M'"''M''"""''g S t "J i , , Nrp These With Hundreds of Other Bargains Will Be Found Displayed and Included in the Wonderful Values That will Be Offered on Dollar Day, Wednesday, September 12th: J. P. Coats Thread, 7 spools 25c Ladies House Dresses, $1.25 to $1.50 values $1.00" 10 yds. Toweling $1.00 Middies, $1.25 and $1.50 values I $1.00 Black Satin Petticoats, $1.50 values $1.00 Ladies' Two-piece Underwear, heavy cotton 10 pairs Ladies' Hose $1.00 ribbed, 75c values 50c 4 pairs Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose for Boys $1.00 Oil-Cloth in dark colors, per yard 15c ' 9 yds. Outing Flannel $1.00 $1.50 and $1.75 Waists 75c ' 8 Turkish Towels, regular 35c $1.00 Misses' Wool Union Suits, sizes 24 to 34 $1.00 Boys' Wool Union Suits, sizes 24 to ,34 $1.00 The New Styles Beckon to You and in both Coats and Suits you'll find garments that JHHS seem to beckon to you alone for there's an individuality xMl in styles this season that means there's a Coat and Suit ' jite These Coats and Suits we are showing beckon to you with rMB styles that are extremely new with exclusive features 'abibiBbVHh you'll admire with materials of splendid quality and in nvBHBwbI shades you prefer. Why not answer their beckoning and ? 'R&BBBmttr try them on soon within a day or so for then you will WaflflBMr One will find the popular shades represented in the gar- '""k:-. MiIImJi ments shown here Beet Root, Concord, Taupe, Navy, BMhIbBmI Amethyst, Pekin Green, Russian, African Brown, Hague, BmRIHI Mouse and Reindeer and all in the choicest materials. WmMbbbH FALL SHOWING OF NEW SILK DRESSES IN ALL IIhIBII SHADES AND COLORS. HUnVSI S COATS and SUITS W1 Ranging from $12.50 to $100 7pt MOSE LEWIS Dep't Store iMlBBBIfciBMJMMBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB |