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Show AUTOPSY IS HELD ON BODY OF KING, SHOT TWO CENTURIES AGO Stockhold, July 21 (Correspond-enco (Correspond-enco of tho Associated Press). An autopsy on King Charles XIII, Sweden's Swed-en's warrior king killed In battle almost al-most two hundred years ago, to determine de-termine whether tho shot through tho temples, which caused his doath, camo from tho enomy's lines or from an assassin among his own men, has just been mado hero In an effort to I solve ono of tho mystories of history. I If tho bullet ontorcd the right torn- I pie, It would lndlcato that it camo I from Frederlckshald fortress, before I which tho king's forces lay entrench- I ed, while a shot from tho opposlto W ' direction would show that It was tired by a traitor In his own ranks. |