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Show W Argentine Government i I ' Ousts Teuton Minister; I Throngs Disarm Police H Dounoa Aires, Sept. 12. The H downtown section of the city was H the sccno of tho wildest disorders to- H night in connection with great antl- H German demonstrations In which H thousands of Argentinians took part. B Many of thoso In tho mobs carried H flrcbrandB and as a result scores of PH buildings wcro set on fire. Sovcrnl M blocks of German business houses In H Callo 25 do Mayo were destroyed. m Among tho structures attacked PH were tho German club, one of tho H finest edifices In tho city, and the B building of tho German dally, La H Union. As fast as tho fires In these B buildings were exhausted, they wcro PH started again. B Mounted patrols and tho cntlro flro BKV department kept ruBhlng from ono BKVj part of tho city to another, iln an at- BKVJ tempt to quell tho riots nnd put down KB tho flames. HI In several Instances polico who HB wcro attempting to shoot at thoso wielding torches wero set upon by B tho crowds nnd disarmed. Extraordinary precautions hnvo been taken by tho authorities to pro- BB tect Count Luxburg, tho German mln- H iRtcr, when lio arrives hero tomor- BBB row morning to rccoivo his passports. BBBJ Count Liulmrg's PnssKir(s BBB Sent to Geniinti J,epitloii. H Deunos Aires, Argentina, Sept. 12. BBBL . Tho Argcntlno government at noon B today sent to tho German legation BBBJ passports to bo delivered to Count BBBJ Luxburg, German minister to Argen- H tina. Tho whereabouts of Count Lux- H burg Is still unknown to tho Argen- BBBJ tlno government. BBBJ The Argentlno foreign offlco today BBBJ sent ncommunlcatIon to tho German BBBJ foreign ministry demanding an ex- BBBJ planatlon of Count Luxburg's action BBBJ In Bending tho secret codo messages BBBJ to Berlin through tho Swedish lega- BBBJ BBBJ Tho noto sent by Foreign Minister BBBJ- Fueyrredon to Count Luxburg, In BBBJ which tho German minister was'ten- BBBJ dcred his passports, reads: BBBJ Mr. Minister: You have ceased BBBJ to be persona gram to tho Argen- BBBJ tlno government, that govern- BBBM ment has decided to deliver to BBBJ you your possport, which I trans- BBBM mlt herewith by order of his cx- BBBS cellency, tho president of the na-BBBJ na-BBBJ BBBB The introducer of embassies BBBb ,ias Instructions to assist you In BBBB your immediate departuro from BBBB "U) territory of the republic. BBBB 01' BBBB BBBB tho passport Issued to Count von BBBB Luxburr: rends: BBBB Considering 'hrt bis excellon- BBBB cy, Count Karl von Luxburg, en- BBBB voy extraordinary nnd minister BBBB plenipotentiary of tho German BBBB empire, la leaving the Argentlno BBBB republic, tho authorities of tho BBBB republic nro hereby requested to BBBBJ protect him In his passago to tho BBBB BBBJ Given at Deunos Aires, Sept. BBBBJ 12, 1017, valid to tho bronticr. J Tho government has Issued orders BBBBJ to the polico nnd tho provincial gov- - BBBJ ernments to protect Count von Lux- BBBBJ burg nnd bis staff en route, as out- BBBBJ breaks of the Indignant populace nro BBBBJ I BBBBJ Tho foreign office expresses Its be- BBBBJ lief that Count von Luxburg will BBBBJ reach hero tomorrow morning. BBBJ i:phinatlon I)cnraud BBBBJ Tho Argentlno minister at Berlin BBBBJ lias been Instructed to Inform tho BBBBJ German foreign office thnt Count von BBBJ Lujiburg lias boon handed his pnss- BBBBJ ports and to ask for explanations BBBBi regarding tho telegram disclosures. BBBBJ If tho German government illmip- BBBBM proves of tho text of tho German BBBBK minister's dispatches and especially BBBBBj of tho word "ass," which term tho BBBBJ ' count applied to tho Argentlno for- BBBBB olgn minister, tho situation may clear. BBBB If Ilorllu does not disavow tho minis- BBBB ter's course, Argentine will recall her BBBB minister from Germany, but may per- BBBB j! mlt tho legation to romntn. BBBBBj l It Germany expresses a doslro to BBBBfl .maintain relations with Argentina BBBBBj notwithstanding tho expulsion of BBBBBj Count von Luxburg, It wns said at BBBBBJ , tho forolgn orrico, this government BBBBBj j would bo willing to consider tho quos- BBBBBj BBBBBj 1 Argentina .also has asked tho Gcr- BBBBH man government for a full oxptann- BBBBBJ j tton of Its present policy In sinking BBvBBV i Argontlno ships. This apparently iJBBBj BBBBB1' BBt , ! BTBTBTBTBTBBT BTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTflk BBBBrBE..HH BBBr ZBBBBBBBBBBBB was settled In tho case of tho steamship steam-ship Toro, but in view of Count von Luxburg's notes, which antedated that settlement, Argentina desires a. clear statement. A rupture, tho officials say, Is not necessary if Germany is Inclined to make concessions, but if she does not do bo, It is certain thero wilt bo a break In diplomatic relations, Tho doclslon to hand Count von Luxburg his passports was reached by President Irlgoyen nfter a conference con-ference with tho foreign secretary, but without consulting tho cabinet, which had been called to meet this evening nnd receive Ambassador Naon's dispatches from Washington. Tho president maintained thnt tho matter was gravo enough and press- I Ing enough to warrant his Immediate a decision without refcrenco to tho cab- M lnut. ! It Is believed unlikely that nny ac- j tlon will bo taken toward Sweden, J yesterday's explanation by tho Swcd- I Ish legation apparently satisfying tho R government that Daron Lowen ncted J In good faith in forwarding tho tele- tj grams, tho contents of which wcro y unknown to him. During tho three days that elapsed 5 whllo tho government wns satisfying y Itself as to tho accuracy of the ex- ' posures made In Washington tho pub- g lie, despite tho gravity of tho accusa- f tions, responded to tho appeals of y government officials and the news- papers by refraining from any antl- H Germnn demonstrations. m Tho feeling of tho Argcntlno public K in tho present Instance was manifest- 1 ed today, howover, when all afternoon 1 Immense crowds In front of tho news.- 3 paper bulletin boards cheered tho jj news that Count von Luxburg would 1 hnvo to leave tho republic. 9 Cows Give More Milk y If Dairy Employes 8 Whistle Blue Danube ' San Francisco, Sept. 13. Canned I music will Increaso tho production of j canned cow on the prlzo dairy ranch 9 of Charles W. Ward, near Eureka. I "Play tho right sort of music when you're milking her, nnd a cow will E glvo 10 per cent more milk," asserts E Ward. V "I'm going to take tho phonograph 5 out of my yacht and Install it In tho t dairy barn. It makes tho cows con- 1 tented. You've got to play tho right J sort of music, though. My licril-1 1 masters, graduates of Cornell and Ames collese, tell mo n funeral march j makes cows sad, and bangy, stirring music gets 'em excited, so thoy don't i glvo ns much milk. They llko somo- J thing llko tho 'IUuo Danubo.' " j Ward doesn't believe bis thorough- ' breds would stand for "Tho Stnr-Spangled Stnr-Spangled Bnnner," and ho figures "Silver Threads Among tho Gold" might poison tho milk. |