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Show m I &a Camel ! i I Aggies vs. Granite H. S. I I Saturday, 3 o'clock I I ADAMS FIELD I I Your first chance to see the I I Boys Lineup I I General Admission 25c I I Students Body Dance at 9 p. m. I 9 """ I M Pcruna cases V rWy?i' housekeeper by keep- WLAsX 'n8 nwny the danger 1 ' l?j55 of ilness resulting i rtTix 'rom colds, coughs, w jr nnil indigestion duo v to catarrhal condl- V tlon. It speedily re- J licves and overcomes ! ' these. Its tonic properties build up tho strength of tho physically vreak and run down, and its use la (onvaltsrenM, rvrelally a'lrr Stift la remarkably beneficial. KEEP IT ON HAND , Tho wise housekocper has Pcruna " oaliiml for Instant uweven If catarrhal trostilra da not call for Its regular ad- ) minUtratlon. A dose or two In time oftcu prevents a lonn Illness. Liquid or tablet form. Hanalln Tablets aro a aplendid 4 i laxntlve for home um. J; Ask tho druttlst 1 f THE PERUNA COMPANY 8 4 Columbua, Ohio 5fi IIMI-I . .!.. SINGER SE WIN g! MACHINE CO. KXIT.KT Iir.l'AIll WOU1C 01 Wct 1st South St. PATRONS KINDLY REMIT TO THIS ADDRESS. It. II. (illnot, Head Salesman, Logan. Has n High Opinion ot Chamberlain's Chamber-lain's Tablets. "I havo a high opinion of Chamberlain's Cham-berlain's Tablets for biliousness and as a laxative," writes Mrs, C. A. Harnos, Charleston, 111. "I havo never found anything so mild and pleasant to uso. My brother has nlso used these tablets with satisfactory results." adv. NOTICE OF HECICIVEIt'S SALE OF ECONOMY SUPPLY COMPANY OF LOGAN, UTAH. E. J. Hroberg, ns receiver of tho Economy Supply Company, Logan, Utah, offers for sale at Its office at tho placo of business of tho said Economy Supply Company, in Logan City, Utnh, on tho 5th day of October, Oc-tober, 1917, at two o'clock p. m., tho stock of dry goods, knit goods, mack-Inaws, mack-Inaws, crockery and groceries, together to-gether with tho fixtures formerly owned by tho said Economy Supply Company. nids for tho nbovo stock and fixtures, fix-tures, as a whole or separately, will bo considered on said salo day, and bidders will bo reouired to first deposit de-posit with tho asslgnco a cortified check of at least $500, which will bo returned If tho bid ot tho porson depositing tho same Is not accepted, or If said bid Is accepted said sum will bo applied to the purchaso prlco of tho property purchased. This stock of merchandise and fixtures fix-tures may bo seen at tho placo of business of tho Economy Supply Company Com-pany at any tlmo between now and tho dato of said salo date, at which times an attendant will bo In charge to answer questions concerning tho stock and fixtures. Tho receiver reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. For further Information concerning concern-ing this stock, communicato with E. J. Ilroberg, receiver, at tho place of business of tho Economy Supply Company, Logan City, Utah. E. J. DRODERG. Receiver of Economy Supply Company. Com-pany. i I Classified ii ; mwwwvwwwwwwwww MraOELLANEOUS ' WANTED Two or three tons of hay. H. S. Rico, phone 778. 10-2. LOST Small locket with natno engraved, en-graved, containing photo. Return to this office for roward. 9-29. LOST Crescent pin set with flow- I ers and opal, between hospital and I Center street. Return to this office for roward. 9-29. FOR RENT Big room with store I fixtures, $11 per month. 164 South I Main. 9-29. I FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished unfurn-ished rooms. Phono 726. tf. j WANTED Salesman. Slngor Sow- I Ing Machine Company, 61 West 1st I South. tf. ' WANT TO SELL 47 acres of land In Lewlston, 20 acres of beet land, j 17 acres good alfalfa or grain land; I 10 acrcfl of dryfarm land, 3 miles I weat of Preston; 40 acres of good lr- ' rlgated land at Franklin; good homo at Franklin. All must be sold at some prlco. For Information and I terms, see R. O. Hatch, Lewlston, Utah. 9-30. I One hundred fifty thousand dollars dol-lars to loan on farm and city proper-ty. proper-ty. H. A- rederson ft Co. adv. tf. FOR RENT 2-room houso, furn-lshod. furn-lshod. 240 North 1st West. Phono 89. 10-2. m HAY AND GRAIN WANTED Hay and grain aro wanted by the Utah Agricultural college, 300 tons of hay, 150 tons ot grain, 60 loads of straw. Proposition may bo submitted submit-ted In writing, by tolephono, or In porsou to Dr. W. E. Carroll or the undersigned; JOHN Ii. COnURN, Socrotary and Purchasing Agent. adv. tf. m Great Faith In Chamberlain's Colic anil Diarrhoea Remedy. "Chamberlain's Collo and Diarrhoea Diar-rhoea neraody was nsod by my father fa-ther about a year ago when ho had dlarrhooa. It relieved him Immediately Immedi-ately and by taking three doses he was absolutely cured. Ha his great faith In this remedy," write Mrs. W. H. Williams, Stanley, N. Y.- tv. JM A Ft Y PI C KFORDl I IN I I "Rebecca Of Sunnybrook Farm" A I Undoubtedly the finest picture Mary I I ever made I I LYRIC THEATRE I I Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 1 & 2 I I Regular Price 10c, 15c & 20c m I1 SMALLPOX A young lady by tho namo of Cooper, unknowingly contracted small pox while in Salt Lake three weeks ngo, camo to Logan and has gone about considerable during the past two weeks. She. with her friend, Miss Dunford, who Is now quarantined quaran-tined with a fresh case, has attended tho Lyric theatro and also the danco at the Auditorium Saturday night, and tho Lyric again Wednesday night. Thoso who know that they have been in closo contact with theso young ladles should bo vaccinated at once and In this way savo thomselves from being quarantined and spreading It to othors. Should any contract the disease, remain at homo and notify tho city physician at once. 1 Oliver L. Peterson of Potersboro was a Logan visitor yesterday. Ho says ho has just received a letter from his brother, Miles L. Peterson, who Is stationed at Fort Riley, Texas, with the aviation corps. Tho young soldier Is happy to boMn tho sorvlco of his country and likes tho experience experi-ence ho la getting very much. FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished un-furnished rooms, 285 South Main. adv. 10-4. a R. D. Gllnes formerly nsslstant manager of tho Ogdon office of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, has been transferred to Logan 'whore ho has assumed tho management of this territory. Ho Is accompanied by his family and has taken up hi? -esldents at 61 West 1st South et. He is an expert repair man as well as a salesman and wo may now loosl for an actlvo compalgn to bo mall locally for this company. Mr. Peter son who lias been In chargo ot tie company's affairs here has resigned his position. Don't Neglect your stomach. Keep it strong and well. When food disagrees disa-grees with it, strengthen it with BfitHAMS PIUS Lart rt SU of Any MWIcln. la the WocU. Sold Tr7wbr. laboiu, 1025li' K Joseph Cairney, Prop. W. H. Mathews, Mgr. M 1 FREE BUS TO ll I ABSOLUTELY MODERN 1 iThKenyon Hotel is the best located hotel in Salt Lake W City, situated in the heart of the city, and in the center X of the shopping and theatrical district. Take any ?S)L , depot car; they all pass the door. TB If you don't stop at the KENYON you are not in town. ft& The Hotel for Rates, Service and Location. Special atten- H tion paid to Conference and State Fair visitors. 5JJ Corner Main & 2nd So. Salt Lake City, Utah |