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Show ANIMALS 3CT nXERCISE And tho poor things never get any exercise! At least such Is tho Idea In tho minds of a circus crowd as It posses through a menngcilo nnd looks upon tho caged representatives of the forest for-est and junglo thero. However Well, take tho case of Zora, tho great Bengal tiger of the Sclls-Floto circus and Buffalo Bill (himself,) which Is to exhibit In this city for two performances Wednesday, Juno 10. Zora, who by tho way, Is tho P2t of tho menagerie, Is a walker. She Is constantly on tho movo, walking and pacing her eighteen feet cage, about eight hours of tho day. And recently arose a, discussion anions tho animal men of tho Bells-Floto circus as, Jo tho distan sho walked daily. A piece of beef was thrown Into the cage, and while Zora' gulped at tho food Allspnw reached between tho bnrB hnd fastened a pedomoter around the soft furry neck. The meal over, Zora began Jhe pacing of her caga That, night, AIspaw lookod at tho podoroeter. It showed that the great BenLUgcr, ,had walked ' almost twenty-one mles that day. The raenagerfe. feature of tho Soils Floto- Buffalo Bill aggregation, by the way, will form only a part of the attractions at-tractions when tho big show comes to this city. In addition to mkny new acts Buffalo Bill will appear personally person-ally In tho performanco In n now spectacle entitled, Warpath In which ho will depict tho progress of civilization civil-ization from tho frontier times to thoso of today. In this ho will bo assisted as-sisted by his retlnuo ot Indians, cowboys, cow-boys, ropers, riders and other exponents expo-nents ot tho West. Buffalo Bill will also, as an honor to this city, load tho parado when It passes through tho downtown streets nt 10:30 o'oUick tho morning of tho performanco. Following Fol-lowing this he Intends to hold a ro ceptlon for children at tho nhow grounds. |