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Show The Old Folks Were v Given Entertainment ijfc Smlthfleld, May 31. Tho Benson atnko Old Folk's celebrated their annual an-nual day at Lowlaton on Thursday last Tho first on the program whs singing by tho congregation, prayer by tho chaplain, Brother Egbert. Tho 'speech of wolcomo by Bishop Andrew Hyer, made all feel truly welcome. He eulogized tho promoters for lnstl-f lnstl-f tutlng such occasions for tho old people peo-ple and was very pleased to seo so many old folks present and gfivo a hearty welcome to all present, and said tho committees had dono what was needed to mako the affair a memorable mem-orable ono hnd thought it an honor to mako a tlnio of rejoicing for tho old people. A select reading by Mrs. Ellen Larson, entitled: Something tho moon told mo, which was a rovlow of i Lewlston, past and present; recitation by Ellen Tlmmons, of Smlthfleld First ward entitled: Whistling In Heaven; Brother Fish of Newton sang, I'vo grown so used to you, and for hn encore en-core sang, I will lovo you when tho silver threads arc shining among tho gold; future prophecy of Benson stake by Sister Maud Stocks of Lewlston, which was handled In a masterly way; recitation by Virginia Olson of Low Iston Second whrd; a paper was then read on economic cooking; song by Bishop Merrill of Richmond, Rock a bye baby; speech by A. D. 8mlth, chairman of LewIston'FIrst ward Old Folks committee who was pleased to see and meet so many old peoplo and look at their happy faces. Tho commltteo com-mltteo whs on hand to tako care of the visitors who wero arranged In the following order; Tho stake chairman taking lead to tho opera house ,. whore AtaWiplaces wero designated by printed ""jpsreards directing where tho peoplo had fjf to bo seated. After dinner a muslchl nj selection was given by tho Smlthfleld fig Second ward mandolin and guitar club m They were encored and responded with another selection. Mrs. Ellen Tlmmons recited tho greatest walk on record. President Alma Morrill gavo a short talk and pralsod tho efforts More Homes For Valley Hyde 4. Thompson Building Company Reports Five New Building I Contracts Tho Hydo & Thompson Building 'ompany report flvo moro now con-racts con-racts which they havo recently sc-ured. sc-ured. Proressor L. It. Humphreys t tho U. A. C. has turned his Job o theso builders of modern homes., 'rofessor Humphreys homo Is to bo six room thoroughly modern homo nd will bo located on Fourth East treet between Second nnd Third .'orth streets. It will bo U red brick ouso -with tho finest grado of oak oors Inlaid with mahogany and will ost between three nnd four thous-nd thous-nd dollars. Two homes which havo Just boon ommonced aro those of Professor leorgo C Jensen and Dr. Clark on lollego hill. Nathan Dono at Smlthfleld has let contract for n flvo room buff brick fopdorn cottage Tho work on this Kg structure will commence soon. M nob Christofferson of Hydo Park I who is to bo married In tho very near m futuro has nwardod tho contract for M Ills homo to tho local builders. H - - of the committees, he nlso contrasted the difference, In tho modo of travel now, so many coming In automobiles with tho modo of travel In crossing tho plains with hand carts. A paper and recitation by Miss Mlna Pond of Cove entitled, Tho different nges especially espe-cially the age of discovery. Brother Robert Thornley spoko of his experience experi-ence In crossing the plains In 183 1 and of his arrival In Salt Lake City even eating hay in early times as flour was $20 per sack. A song by Brothor E. W. Fish of Npwton ward, accompanied by Sister Sloan, encore. Silver threads among the gold. President Pres-ident B. A. Hendrlck3 apokc of tho ages of those present, some sixty, "seventy, "sev-enty, eighty and ninety years of ago wero in tho assembly. President Wad-doups Wad-doups spoko of renewing acquaintances acquaintanc-es with' tho peoplo present, also i elated elat-ed a few anecdotes anil called tho Messing of heaven on tho apnl brothers broth-ers and sisters. Tho guitar and mandolin man-dolin responded to request and pluy-ed pluy-ed again. Brother H Lewis of tho old folks committees thankei all thoso present for being there, also tho committees com-mittees In preparing such a good tlma and proposed a vote of thanks for Ml who had helped in any way, to make things good and happy for tho aged. The dinner was prepared by tho three wards of Lewlston. Tho tables were set in order of ages GOs, 70s, 80s, and 90s occupying tables which were loaded with tho bounties boun-ties of the earth, such hs would please the most fastidious gastronomist. gastrono-mist. Four hundred fifty-four person partook of the sumptuous feast. Great- credit Is due the committees in charge. Tho occasion will long be remembered by many as it was an Ideal day and many old peoplo were present. Tho presidency of Bonson stake was present to help mako tho old peoplo glad also tho old folks committee and stake chairman Jas. Melklo of the old folks reunion. (Continued on page eight) Entertainment I For Old Folks (Continued from page one) Mrs. Mary A. Cragun of Ogden, I was H visitor' In our city during tho ' past week. i i i Mrs. Lofter BJarnason' ' and children chil-dren of Logan, spent Sunday 'and Monday In our city. Tho Business Men's club of Salt Lake City met with us at 4 p. nw today and were greeted by a largo congregation In tho Second ward tabernacle. tab-ernacle. Tho selections from tho band and tho speeches mado were much enjoyed. The club expressed themselves ns well pleased with tho reception given them by our citizens. The city councllmen prepared a program and celebration appropriate for Decoration Day. Moat excellent speeches were mado by Messrs Sylvester Syl-vester Low and Wllllnm A. Noble. A quartet rendered sovernl selections and tho city band played several choice numbers. James Johnson and bride Fred Jensen Jen-sen and wife, Joseph Johnson, wife, mother nnd grandmother, of Hydo Park, wero guests of Mrs. Margaret Sant on Tuesday. Tho high school closed on Frldaj-last, Frldaj-last, after a successful year's work under Principal George C. Ensign, John it. Peterson, Etta Nelson hnd James A. Cragun. Mr. Ensign will tench In Ogden noxt year; Mr. Peterson at Wchmond high school; Mr. Cragun In tho Smlthfleld school, and Miss Nelson In Sevier county school. George Sant Sr., returned homo today to-day after attending tho funeral ot Charles Williams at Treasureton, Idaho. Brother Williams was born In Smlthfleld In June, 18G3 In the old fort and was tho son of Charles Williams Wil-liams and Margaret Sant. The funeral funer-al was a large one, relatives and friends from Idaho Falls,, St. Anthony, Anth-ony, Clifton, Preston, Oxford and other settlements. A missionary companion com-panion from Morgan whs the principal princip-al speaker. Grandma Bain is still quite ill. Primary conference was held In the First ward on Sunday, a most 1 excellent program was carried out. I Nalhan Donne and Harper. Aiken I have commenced to excayato for tho 1 basements of modern hdnles. I Mrs. Mao Cantvvell Is slowly m. I proving and expects to return home 1 during tho week. ri5-5i Mr. Lennox Sloan nnd members of I the Moyle family of Salt Lako City I were visitors at tho nomney Tiomo a I few days this week.- 1 Hon. James Mack and wlfo of Og- H den and Mcsdaraes Frank FIshburn I and Loman FIshburn of Brlgham City I spent Decoration Day with Mr. and I Mrs. Mosos Mack. I - Bishop Farrell nnd C. C. Kearl I havo mado extenslvo Improvements I on their residence property of late. 8 |