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Show I OUR BEST ADS I are never printed in the newspapers i I Do you know where our best advertis- I ing is done? In 'the store. This telling you about things is all right, maybe, but it isn't half as satisfactory satisfac-tory as bringing you face to face with your requirements. Showing you is our favorite method. I There is no talk that can be half as com pelling as the goods themselves. Here is the best furniture at its best. Our confidence comes from a knowledge knowl-edge of what's what in furniture, and the way our stock stands today, we can truthfully truth-fully say that we never asked anybody to 9 view an assortment that was quite as worthy. . You are invited. ' ? mtt - - rLONDSTROM FURNITURE & CARPET CO. Logan, Utah Preston, Idaho wmmmmmmasmmmMmmmBBMammmmmmmmsmaaammamm Catarrhal Dcafaess Cannot Be Cured by local application!, a thay cannot rtach th dlataata portion o( tta car. There la onlr oaa war to euro catarrhal a'ta.fncaa. and that la br a conatltutloaal ramtdr, Caurrhal tteafneM la ciuicd br an In. flamed condition of th mucoua llnlnc of tho Eustachian Tub. When thli tube la Infiamed irou have a r ln ound6r Itn. perfect hearlnc. anf .n It la entirely cloaed. Deafneea la II .null. Vnleu the Inflammation can he reduced and thla tube reatored to Ita normal condition, heatlnr will be dealrored forerer. Manr caaea or deafneta art cauaed br catarrh, which la an Inflamed condition of th mucoua ur-facta. ur-facta. Hair Catarrh Medicine acta thru the blood on the mucoua aurfacea of the aretem. . We will (Ire One Hundred Dollar for anr caaa of Catarrhal Deafneea that cannot he cured br Hall'e Catarrh Medicine. Clr-eultra Clr-eultra free. All DniKRlata. le. F J CIIKNPT CO, Trledo. a - AX OLD FAUI.T VINDKIl An Irritable and fault finding (lis-, position if often caused by Indlges-. tlon. A man with good digestion jand bowels that act regularly is usually us-ually good natuiod. When troubled I with Indigestion or constipation take .Chambei Iain's Tablets. They strengthen the stomach and enable it I to pci form Its functions naturally. I They also cause a gentle movoment , of tho bowels. Adv-9-1 FiVi ! a? vn M When You Are Bolstered Up m liy the knowledge that you look right, otherwise embarassing moments W&t lose their sting. Im THATCHER CLOTHES M have ft way of assuring solf-confldenco. TKy are specially built for you Younger Young ll Men, and thoy havo tho dash and awing that exemplify tho High School spirit. For a smart f'Sr combination of nil tho newest notes there Is tho Twlrlor model, with Its raglan shouldora and J welt soam waist line. In fabrics you will admlro. M Thatcher Clothing" Co. " 1 YOU'LL LIKE THATCHER CLOTHES Jj l ----- - f-' fl |