Show CAPTURING ISOLATED GROUPS Tho Los Angeles Chamber of Com nierco has declared war on organized bolshovlsm manifesting Itself In tho west. mto harvest fields and fruit orchards or-chards are a favorlto placo for dissemination dis-semination of tho doctrlno of tho Ueds. Logging camps and outlying fields of employment whero labor Is not organized to resist Is whero they are working Under these circumstances the radicals rad-icals get hearers more easily than In the larges cities and centers of In dustry. . Los Angeles has organized a speakers speak-ers bureau to meet the arguments of jthe Bolshevists and I. W. W.' mo-fl directly. - The day Id past when these elo-ments elo-ments can be Ignored as unworthy of notice and their arguments must bo answered. Recent .statistics show that there are 3544 I. W. W. recruiting stations .In our country and fifteen "wobbly" newspapers. I Winning back tho wobbly Individually Indivi-dually to good American cltlzennhip Is too Blow a business the mass of the people must bo educated to Fee the menace of Bolhevlsm. |