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Show WHY MORE FEDERAL CONTROL There Is now pending In congresn a bill known as tho Kenyon bill designed de-signed to curtail the activities of the packers. But this measure If enacted enact-ed Is so revolutionary and un-Amer-tcai and its effects will bo so far reaching that not only will It be disastrous dis-astrous to the packers, whose elli-clency elli-clency Is admitted by all who are familiar with their business, but It will only bo a question of timo until the control contemplated will bo ex-tended ex-tended until all business Is under federal control. It is easy to switch public opinion from the real Issue by labeling this , a "fight on tho packing trust" when i pi ices are high and someone Is to be made tho goat. , If the packers constitute a trust in testralnt of trade our present laws If enforced will correct tho situation It Is conspicuously' noticeable thut none of tho legislation proposed gives any assurance that consumers nro to teceive ment at lower prices and government gov-ernment regulation has never yet brought cheaper pi Ices or rates. Tho real point which Americans must consider is whether thoy uro ready to change oiir form or government govern-ment from one under which Individual Indivi-dual Initiative, enterprise and business busi-ness Is encouraged to one wheio tho Individual is submerged under olll-cial olll-cial control. Tho pnckeiH uie merely being I used ns tho most likely Instrument iivallnbla to extend a buienurrntle form of government In America. This has developed Into a fight, not merely mere-ly to save the packing Industry for the packers but to save American Ideals and right of tho Individual to do business for Americans. We have had enough Insane legislation legis-lation and it Ih tlmo for tho government govern-ment to enact helprul mensures that wll assist and not destioy legitimate Industries. |