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Show ill AsKYourDcalcrM II Grand PfizelMajg 9 fireaums 6 Ammunition H fB' Write for Ca-talolue IH 4CMMINaTONAtMiUMCCaiNC HB ?IHHHHiHHBBBT When your nerves are all on edge and sleep seems out of the question take ' at bedtime one or two ' 6KCHAfl'S PILLS Lara! 31 of Any M.dUU. la Ik. World. 9oldTrywlwr. ! bXM, JOc, 25c A GREAT REMEDY The merits of Chamberlain's Colic Col-ic and Diarrhoea Remedy are well known and appreciated, but there Is occasslonally a man who had no c-qualntanco c-qualntanco with them and should red the following by F. II. Dear, a hotel man at Dupuyer, Mont. "Four' years ago I used Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy with such wonderful results that I have since recommended It to my friends." Adr-9-1 0UU Of Ohio. City of Tol4o, l Lucas Countf, I Frank J. Chtny makta oath that h I tnlor partner of th Arm of P. J. Chtney Co.. dolnir bualnrna p tlio City of Toledo. To-ledo. County and. 8UU aforeaald, and IIUNDKED DOLLARS for each and t". fry cae of Catarrh that cannot 1x ruml by the use of HALL'S CATA1UMI CUHK. . , PRANK J. rilENEY. Bworn to before mi nnd auburiihed In ' fflVPrMence, till. 6th iMy of December, Ai D. 1885, iSenl) A. W. rTrc"V r ... . . . Notary Public .ll"1 ? Catarrh Cure la luken lnu.ii.illy ind nets directly uion the blood and mu. jau aurfncea of the ayatem. Bend tor tvstlmontnl. fn. o ,,J C.,,,,J;,ET co- Toledo. O. Sold liv nil nriutrl'l'. TSo Tako Hall- "inllrll! fur coniiliailoa, mam STAT13IEVT Ol-' THE OWNER. SHIP, MAN XtiKMEXT, ClRCl'I.A TIO.V, inf., REgPIREI) RY ACT OK COXtiHKSS OF AVOUST at. 101'.. Of the I.oct n Republican, published pub-lished trl-weekly at Logan, Utah, for April 1, 1919. Stnte of Ptah, County of Cache us llcfore me, a Notary Public, In and for tho state and county aforesaid, persoually appeared llerschol Ilul ten,. who, having been duly sworn i"-cording i"-cording to law. deposes and says Hint he Is tho editor or tho Logan Republican Repub-lican nnd that tho following Is to tho best of his knowledge and ha lief, p true statement of the owner ship, management (and If a dally paper, the circulation.) etc., of tho nfoicsald publication for the dn'o shown In the above caption, requited i .by the Act of August 24, 1012, em-' em-' bodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on tho reverse re-verse sldo or this form, to-wlt: 1. That I lie nnmes and nddressen of tho publisher, editor managing editor nnd business managers, nto- Publisher, Republican Publishing Co.. Logan. Ptah. Editor, Herschel Hullen, Logan, Utah. Managing Editor, Herschel Ilullen, Logan, Utah. Ruslucss Manager, Floyd Rose, Logan, Lo-gan, Utah. 2. ' That the owners arf: (Glvo names and addresses of Individual owners, or, ir a corporation, give Its name and tho names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 per cent or moio of the total amount or stock.) Herschel Rullcn, Logan, Utah. Mary N. Rullen, Logan, Utah. J. C. Allen Jr., Lava Hot Springs, Idaho. ' Agnes S. Allen, Lava Hot Springs, Idaho. Arthur Hoare, Provo, Utah. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders hold-ers owning or holding 1 per cent or 'more of the total amount of bonds, i mortgages or other securities" aro: Cache Valley Ranking Co., Logan Utah. - "- 4. That tho two paragraphs Jiojct above, giving tho names of tho owners, own-ers, stockholders and security holders. hold-ers. If any, contain not only tho list , of stockholders nnd security holden as they appear upon tho books of tho company, but Also, In cases whero rtho stockholder or security holder appears upon tho books of the company com-pany as trustee or In any other fiduciary fi-duciary relation, the nnmc of tho person or corporation for whom such trustee Is acting, Is given, also that, the said hvo paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge nnd belief as to tho circumstances cir-cumstances and conditions under i which stockholders and security holders hold-ers who do not nppear upon the books of tho company ns trustees, hold stock and securities In a capacity capa-city other than that of a bona ride owner; and this aidant has no reason 'to believe that any other person, as-, soclatlon or corporation has any Interest In-terest direct or indirect In the said ' stock, bonds or other securities than as so stated by him. 5. That tho average number of copies of each Issue of this publication publica-tion sold or distributed, through the I malls or otherwise, to paid subscrlb-j era during the six months preceding the date shown above Is (this Information Infor-mation Is required from dally publications publi-cations only,) HERSCHEL HULLEN, Editor. I Sworn to and subscribed before mo this 11th day of August, 1010. H. J. HATCH, My commission expires January 9, 1920. Adv LEGAL NOTICES Consult The County Clerk Or The Respective Signers Sign-ers For Further Information. Informa-tion. Probate And Guardianship Notice ALIAS SUMMONS IV THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT DIS-TRICT OK THE STATE OK UTAH IN AND FOR THE COUNTY COUN-TY OK CACHE. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estnto or Aha 8. Illrhmnn, De-censed. De-censed. I Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned administrator admin-istrator at his residence In Paradise. Utah, or at tho olllco or Walters & Harris, Attorneys, nt Logan, Utah on or before tho 19th day of October, Octo-ber, 1919. Date of first publication August 19, 1919. JOHN W VCI1MAN. Administrator. WALTERS & HARRIS, Attorneys. Adv-9-19 ' ,111 - wi NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tho Matter of the Estate of Thomas D. Rohetts, Deceased. I Credltois will picsent claims with vouchors to ho undorslgned nt he place or business In Logan, Utnh, on or beforo tho 20th day ot December 1919. J Date or first publication, August 14. 1919. MARGARET G. ROBERTS. ' , Eecutrli WALTERS & HARRIS, Attornoys Adv-9-lfl NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tho Matter or tho Estate ol Aurclla Huist Rcnson, Deceased. i Creditors will present claims will vouchors to tho undersigned nt hi! resldenco In Logan City, Cache County, Utnh, on or beforo Octoboi 18, 1919. Dale or first publication August 14. 1919. i DON CARLOS RENSON, Administrator. C. W. DUNN, Attorney for Estate. Adr-9-1 6 mt a - NOTICE TO CREDITORS i In tho Matter of tho Estate or George Anderson, Deceased. Ci editors will present claims with vouchers to tho undersigned nt her tesldenco in Ifyrtini City Cache County, Utah, ou or beforo October 18. 1919. Date of first publication August 14.V1919. GRACE ANDERSON, i Administratrix. C. W. DUNN, t Attorney ror Estate Adr-9-1 6 . XOTICK TO CREDITORS I In the Matter or the Estate or Eralinc D. Hunsaker, Deceused. I Creditors will prosent claims with vouchers to the undersigned at his resldenco In Logan City Cache County, Utah, on or before December Decem-ber 20, 1919. Date or flrsjt publication, August 14, 1919. CHARLES O. DUNN. Administrator. C. W. DUNN, Attorney for Estate Adv-9-10 NOTICE TO CRCIMTOHS In the Matter of tho Estato of, tHI Cedy Davis, Deceased, iiaH Lmmm Creditors wll present claims with HaaH .'vouchers to the undersigned at her 9H residence In Logan. Utah, on or bo- rjEaR foro the 17th day of October, A. U. Hmfll 1919. US Date or riist publication August 9,8 B MAUV I). SORENSON, H i Administratrix. rB ASA RULLEN, ffjM 1 Attorney. Adv-9-lS &9 NOTICE TO CREDITORS WWt i KK2 Estate or Ezra J, Senmons, Do- ijjUBi Ceased. 9 j Credltois will picsent claims with fiH vouchers to the undersigned at his j-H residence In Hyde Park, Cncho conn- H ty, State ot Utah, on or before, tho H 22nd day of October, A. I). 1919. H Dato of first publication, August M H T. W. MATKIN, ' H Administrator B THATCHER & DOWEN, H Attorneys. Adv-9-20 M U. S. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINA- H TION fl 1 i BJ I The United States Civil Service JH 'commission announces the examlna- :(9 lion named below to bo held at an ifS, J early date. Application blanks nnd .jsj further Information may bo obtnlned ig from thu local secretary, board of irwl Civil SlivIco examiners, nt tho post Hh olllco In this city. JfijK Potest and Field Clerk. I9J |