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Show When wounded soldiers wero first brought lnto'flonol of tho '"Amorlcan bawj hospitals In Franco, during tho German offensive, those of them who wero enough alive to the world to notice their surroundings woro sui prised at tho appearance of their nurses and doctors. Clowns, harlequins, eorythlug but tho lcgulatlon Bed Cioss nursc3 and doctored to their neds. More-over More-over great bowls uf red popples and bluo cornflowers mndo tho rooni3 whero somo of them weie quartered' astonishingly gay. This hospital with Its utatr of nurses and doctors hail been ready for business for weeks without a patlont. Tlmo hail hung heavy nnd . homo sickness threatened everybody, M To keep tho morale of tho commuu- ity in trim for what was Purely com- ,fl Ing, V. W, C. A. workers who havo M chargo ot tho nurses clubs In Bed H Cross huts at American baso hosp(t- H als had mndo tho rooms bright and cltocry with tho evenings as gny at 'H tho limitations ot an Army hospltnl 'H compound wvuld allow. ;H On tho ovonlng In question n tl mnsqucradb party was on and the , 'H neighboring towns as well ns tho 1 wardrobes ot tho nurses nnd doctor H had been scoured for mokeshlft 'H makeups. H Just us the Ico was going Into tho H fruit punch tho tolophono rang B bhnrply. "Bo ready to recolvo pa- " tlents nt once," was tho order. "Tho s Germans nro advancing," Not only 1 tho hospital hut tho nurses' social ;' rooms had to bo filled with cots and H tliero hnd not been a mtnuto to To .H luovo tho uvldjenco o( a party. 1 |