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Show SPECIAL PRIZES TO BE GIVEN . AT THE FAIR H Tho following are somo ot tho spe- H clal prizes which will be given a't l tho Cache County Fair next month: 'H A' cash przo of 25 will bo given ' by Ufa Utah Condonscd Milk Co. for jl tho cow producing tuo most butter xH fat during two days 'of tho fair. jil A cash prlzo ot $25 will bo given by, Ho Borden Condensod Milk Co. : for tho cow producing tho largest l quantity of milk during two days of H ttfo H Tho above contest will bo under H tho direction of tho Utah Agrlcul- H Tho American Steam Laundry - wilt repair and dry clean one gont's H suit for tho best Jorsoy Bull any ago. H Tho Thatcher Music company will H give $15 In merchandise for the il best Fercheron stallion. "H The American Steam Laundry will ,fl dry clean ono lady's ovenlng gown '"1 for tho best mado over dress. rH Tho Logan Hardwaro Co. will glvo , 4H ono $2.50 pocket knlfo to tho boy CH with tho best collection ot War Gar- "LLI den vcgcablcs. , H Tho American Steam Laundry, will 1 dry clean ono gent's overcoat for B tho best Ilolsteln bull. iM Tho Cardon Jewelry Co. will give ''H ono Kodak worth $7.00 for the best 'H Shlro ;H Tho Cacho Valley Commission Co. Vf will glvo 1000 pounds ot sulphur LLI cattle salt for tho best Bolglan stal- jH lion, and $5.00 cash 'prize for tho- rl best bushel of potatoes any variety. .,'fll The Thatcher Clothing Co. "will W'(-VM glvo one silk shirt for the best Berk- WH shire boar. VH The W. F. Jensen Candy Co. will give one $5 box of choice candy for H tho best Clyde stallion. 'f The American Steam Laundry will H do ono family wash tor the best loaf tH ot War Bread. H The American Steam Laundry will dry clean one muff and fur set for H the best knitted socks. H The American Steam Laundry wilt ' dry clean, one lady's tailored suit for "'l the best knitted sweater. HH Everton ft Sons will give one tea f BH quart preserving kettle for the best ' display ot canned fruit. Shamhart Christiansen Co.'s 'flAVJ Beauty Parlor will give $5 In work ;H (shampooing, facials, haljrdresslng, ' - lianlcurlng, 'chiropody or any work H done at the parlors) to the lady H knitting or crocheting the best la- 'H dies jacket or middy blouse. H The Logan Hardwaro Co. will H glvo ono preserving kettle worth H $2.50 for the best display of canned ' fruit by n girl ot tho Boys' nnd '1 'HB Girls club. S. i:. Nccdham Co. will glvo ono pet or Sterling Silver topped 10- H Inch knitting needles for tho best 'H knitted sweater. |