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Show , ' THE ARMY DOCT01S u Prominent 4mong the men-who are do-mg do-mg great work for their country are the army doctors.! One fifth1 of "the physt- front;aThtt men are making a splendid n parotic offerinf.) o 5!hy. ar largely 1 younr. and midmefaid':y wHo,'have ''thelFprofessicH rfto- make. ' They' mtfst!,iive up their -patients, who 'wnTfceek bth4 phyais,, 'Ottin they 'leave thier'fa'niilies but,'Poory,prpyi4ecl, 6t" '" ',0 '' ' ( v-vl "' f ' ' '"' ' ' ,,TKefamil!dpct6r.whbr8pin'dstmupH of , Kis'tiheHrtatihg'little cases df stomach', 1 trbuWarid Heuindtisrnana mintor ail-' ail-' merits', isJ ftifitey, fepnVedd in tlje1 ivaihbsih'taiJ At iiomeiimuch 'iofi 'his ' time1 is spent ''in' aHeviatinlgi little lniser-Mes-Jthat people" can'fbebemVel ', ' ten their patients' would 'be .aawelboffr .'w-ith'6uti .runni,to, W' :'- In France-'nien: are dying ..for fack,6f 1 eiuick'attehtioH. The operations have to he perfoMed very .Hurriedly, by nien Wh6 are, almost veadyito drop'from ovemvork -,and the'ptrainlof the, frightful sight More 'doctors would mean thap greater care ,coitfd. be given to operations, i The wounded rijen fcould have attention anorc pronitply, and Imore of them w6uld recover, re-cover, The arnvy physicians1 will acquire an operating skill) that would not come in many" years a home. This appeals to the love of scientific investigation. Ih , the long run the doctor who makes the immediate, sacrifice pf his prospects may find, that it has- given him a greater professional, pro-fessional, skill, which was worth the effort.. ef-fort.. ,! ; All doctors known' to ius would like' to-go, to-go, but, the .majority 'are kepf; atf home, for family .considerations,, advancing, age orotheV good Reasons. Thosewho can break Iqose jm envted,;b tjie'.naen'ho' have to, stay at home. t . . t -, |