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Show mm United Stattt -Sffit-ta - Aft :i .. . of Wheat " -t'-r ciliirf euiWwJEr?. Xlllt Qot 44,600,000. Pound More Mikit'knii 'Fate'' In ttlMt ' ' . jThairln!Vear!Bifr. J i . , ),'; r. '.t 'n . ,' ' wfiw' '.'! w'w -a t ift ",;-l li.'i't'tt' '?' AMEIUCAN FOOD.SHlPMbNTS . ' - ; ''' o' ALLIED ' v tt. ; !' ' '. ir-f. ' nf- H-T.' 1017-18. 8,011,100,000 lbV ' w. increase. 844,000.000. lbs..,-, W u 1 xceiiea'lsj i'Ji'J .? l Wft'Erv:' iv JifWftPWffl0' ?u'i JiTtfi'; t-'i"v,j-- ii'M'-i r ,lj iyi ' if f-j'lncrcaseV. , 80AW0,Ubur. H J v vfir; r ',!wVfeWJ ,In, nfto.qfrA ;whnorroatfood jWply. In, this country the American, people tinW ' Went' ablo Qo s1.ip"to ' thW ' Aillbs' ins 'ellLUicri'.own, org(lovesea, 141,000,000 .bushelpibf. wheat, beside W4,(XW,0'iwpnd8 of 'merit.' duHng! U.6 year cadim i 'June- 80last! ItThle Ma ,ben iaade.poaib,le)by jt whole; souled .co-operation of, the people, who," brtdfii' -pracUclrig yifDlal, ihkv'etpeded;tip' production and re Wpded.jBebfyi ft thejPPJ " abroad. , , , l . :Food AdmlBlkratoV Hoover,1 to a ltt. totPreitdeat Wlkje, ;gtta' a, rief. amBmry.ef;the,relto(ofif(o(l cttVti.a W Calt -States and otthe; aeUvHte at the Food Admta tetratlea ta,,tkkr ead. Taeteeaeerra Uon arMaaurea have, been put through practically oa'a vetoatary baaie which 1 regarded aa a'apleadM trlbat to the patriotlam of tae American people. Meat shipment Were Increased 844.-000,000 844.-000,000 pound daring the first aacel year, aa compared with. our meat exports ex-ports during the year .before America entered the war ' v The total value -fit the food ship menta," ,Mr. Hoover wrote President Wilson, "which were in the. main pur. chased through or with collaboration of' the Food Administration, amount 'to, roundly, 1,400;000,000 daring the, fiscal year." In' 101017 the United States cnt the Allies ',100,000,000, pound of meat: . In 10178, with voluntary, con-imWhtrirt con-imWhtrirt nrapflAcl Iri 'Amerlcn. and aided by exfrni weight of animals,, we sent the Allies 2,011,100,000, pounds of meat, nn liicreaso of &M,000,000 pounds.. i st t Wheat, 8avlng Knornouai . Wliqn, tho Food. Administration bcV gan bpcrntlohs In tlio summer of ,1017,' this country was facing 'a Mrgtf deficit. in ,viica"L- Counting in all carry-over, wheat , from,, the, lOlOjCrqp;, .we, bad, at-tho at-tho heglnrilngrbrthe 1017 ,hnrv9st year iiist eh'ddgli. iwhoitt toftu'k6 care of. (America's formal consumptlqij.-rnqtlfk' bushel .of urplus.tf, , ,. , ,.. ' -'At' iho" (close1 of toe" "1017118 'harvesi year tkej Food Administration's official reports showed-, that our. .total reheat, ' shipments to the othei1 "side had, been 14l.0W,0eO'buhels: f Every baahel ,llnprwaji-wheatTVeA Jyj. 0 Ia)iceriUSaai 'ceeTprodctaOr aooflibl-A J0J(oW baakete alaltW'weekib.iiaa;'pmTtha4 trwatod to teetWaaJMitl a very tatt atlafactea that la a year o. aalveraal food )toge la tae.MeitMM.IIevakmlMPa, atttflaee peepte Jrtaei aagitkrr agn-nv"-away cam taroagh to the aew bar-veat,aet-eaty wltk kealth aad atreagtk raHy malatatoed, aatwlek only tern aetarplpertodCaC aaraakto.fi Oil , eea mtoaa eecMoa o ear.peopto-& ear.peopto-& Boa'peMle'l ptoeWfeo trade, airkrtli9IfTtoattlaipea1ay ooaTaeMCfttkeee; gkita) .tt(tom.-want .tt(tom.-want part et. the Amorteaa women, a . J |