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Show MMMMM IUOUUAPHY OF THE LATE ERAS-TVS ERAS-TVS COLE Mr. Cole was born April 6, 1862, at Poplar Orove, England; came with his father's family to Utah In 1863, leaving Liverpool June 4, and arriving arriv-ing October 4. The company was six weeks and three days crossing the ocean In a sailing vessel, the Amnion; Am-nion; and. the NasalJuUb&lh Jour atoathr croMlngt .Ue; continent. It was at the height of the Civil war; the emigrants often had to be held at stations enroute wblle the trains were being used to transport troops Tho trip from Council Bluffs by ox teams, those who were able walking tho greater part ot the way, was also al-so long and tedious The family movedto Cache the same fall and Erastus was raised here, helping as a boy In farming and other operations. In 1866 he helped drive a herd ot cattle to Butte, Mont. When the railroad shops were completed com-pleted here ho worked In them for several years, getting training there as a carpenter. About thirty years ago, his srother Goorge and himself, established a lumber yard out on North Malp street, and in connection ran a sawmill In the Beaver Fork of Logan canyon. He was for several years manager of the U. O. M. ft B. Co In-1892-93 he filled an honorable mission In England. Mr. Cole bo-came bo-came closely Identified with the Amalgamated Sugar company at the Logan factory, and when the Lewis-ton Lewis-ton factory was projected,' accompanied accom-panied Mr. Ecclcs there, advised as to the selection of the site, supervised super-vised the erection ot the mill and following fol-lowing Its commotion, becamo superintendent super-intendent of Its operation, which position he held at tho time of his death. His surviving family consists of his widow and the following children: chil-dren: Harry E. Cole of Drlggs, Idaho; Ida-ho; Mrs. T. H. Porter of Logan; Mrs. W. A. Budge ot Burley, Idaho; Mrs. S M. Low ot Providence; Malme, Edgar Ed-gar and Horace Cole of Lewiston |