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Show SUGAR CONTROL HOUSE WIFE TO CARD '.sssssssssssl sssssssssssi When the Logan housewife signs 'sssssssssssl ono ot tho-sifgvdoUvery-cards pro- - 1 vlded for the canning season, she 'tH agrees with the United States foodv - .H administration that the regular sug- -tH ar ration In her homo will be no mora '' H than throo pounds of sugar per peri.'' 'sjsH son each month. yi , T':;H Tho rood administration has'o'fct' pPH cldod also, as a means toward ra- . .H tlonlng sugar, to require numerous , X H reductions of the supply fried In boptA Li sssssssH manufacturing and retail establish- ,, X'l ments. ' . rH Permission will be granted1 for ' 'H of sufficient sugar to can and P- 'H servo the' fruits and vegetable that are to bo used in homes. There will H bo no effort to reduce the use in such H canneries as are" utilizing sugar pure- .? :H ly as a preservative The saving ot food products Is recognized as one . 'H of tho greater essentials of the war. - H However, the people ot the United , , -g)gfl States use more sugar per capita than, , 'VH tho people of any other land. Eve ' thrco pounds per month wIM he a H high ration In comparison with Great V. V Britain, France, Italy, Greece or even ,.J 'H neutral lands. ; ,'H Sugar production over the entire ' world has been reduced, largely be- ''-sbjbjI cause the plants In northern France ''iaiail and Belgium, Russia and Rumania J are held by the Germans. Even giH Germanyls unable, because ot labor shortage, to produce Its usual sup- H ply or Its own use. Voluntary rationing in, the United States Is the one assurance of a, needed supply tor soldiers, sailors, H and, allied civilians. The food ad- H ministrations' plan should meet with' 'H Mtrrval iui meewiro. And Ik, , .,f,B order -that the sugar rations may not, wgH be further "rtu; wester fameni ' should even now begin tiieir plana for -'g)g)1 planting enlarged acreage next year. , 'g)gfl Under such conditions, It Is regret- H able that because of lessened acre- .H age, one ot the great sugar, factories .H In Idaho must be closed this fall. H |