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Show H THE COMING OFTHE NEW YEAR BB ' To aome depreaaed people the dying of the old f '' year aad the eomlng of the new. brings thoughts of BB' aadaess. They seem to feel life slipping away from BB these. It l on the contrary, an occasion for rejolc- B': sac, if we caa look back on the past days with any BB reeling of work well done. BB; Ayiveraas person must feel aa the months BB passed, that new lessons have been learned, and Bi; ft Mw acquirements gained. If the year haa brought B a suck fruitage, It haa been indeed a' failure. BB ','' Few' people would care to live the year over, so B ' why ragrat that it haa gene? The time haa slipped BK away fraaa ua, hut eur richer experience, our surer B& " r toach en life, aad command of its reaoarces, cannot BK1 ha takea away. These are the harvest of the year, E tie wild' gala that la oura Imperlshably. I1 s It la then a true lastlnct that' has made New BB) Year's a time for gladsome social life aad pleasant B v aatMpatloas. If wa look forward with expectation BBi at kapplaeaa aad success, wa shall he likely to get It It we riewe aid, year wlU melancholy, we shall BV Had melaacholy daya to soma. Life retuecta the mjp tasaaaa aatare wtthla aa. So if good cheer leads some B ' to 'gat amt aad 'blew horas, there Is no partlc- BJrv . m'ibj'aia. The ealy trouble la that this form Bh" t praaalaa la wa attaa oraatod far artificial meaas, Bffi wtk a aad ke4aaee.the menlag after. . RH It la a Uma whoa peeple'who really talak about Bk , Hftai will Uk'a to eel4erlts deeper aaamlaga. The H.; , -saarihis wtll be filled with away wkaae thoughts' K Java iaetiaetlWy toiha Vital thtaga to the aataer B t the yeara aad the aouree of all our joys. That Hf k aawa aet meaa that their thoughU are those of Hkl1 ' "aadaeaa o regret Se A Happy New Year To All! IBM-' ., ,u i b BJA- MM1TMGI CREDITS Hp. ' 8. W. Roth, of Chicago, publisher of a grocers K' trade paper, la eadearorlag to persuade 'the grocers R' at tae, country to Ihnlt credits, and cut down dellv- H Ceiea,et goods. Hla idea is to havo them make a K ,earga'ot one, per aaat for crediting &a account, and Hpjr. af.ftTa eeata' for each delivery. Ba-v . A maa who ia perfectly able to pay cash, who RfsA aaa awaey lying idle In the bank, buys a bill of gro- P' cjerlea and gets It charged. The bill la not presented H; ' ' 'v! to Maa until the first of the next month. Very likely K4 ' kewlll let the payment of it go until nearly the K "l t 9mti:9ttwAt re frequently rerake... They EJ , jtoljaiharwith payments. Often the thing that BKt aWaya them la the mare bother of sitting down and H ' ' '" writing a'eh'eek. It "seems to them so unimportant &'" W'taay often fergeTi v W' , Mest grocers" who extend credits freely, carry on - r taotr books a large sum at bllki, receivable. It being l- . "pabHely kaawa that they extend credit, they are cem- ' Hlled'a'giw'lt to almoat aayone. Soaeot tkeae BlC 'iaU are Boa-collectable. Te carry the whole-lot, aaajV',, jj :" BjyV. tka greoermuit either breow money and pay Inter ' "'Niu, ar hla aira eap'ltal la lying Idle, which la the BBO "'ii ' aameUOt. :f ' , f oreaurse It hi vary embarrasalag when one of HV' aha groeer ataat either borrow mosey and pay Inter BaV - iaa.1, aaya ho.haa nothing to eat in the house. It J,-, ,p la afwurse perfectly' natural tor people to ask for H3V redlt when they know that everyone else geU It. 11 ' It does save some bother to be able to pay once a Bk "' .ateaib, but it is a system that makes our living cost Wit -, hfiher. The niaa' who pays his bills has ta'pay for H'X 'iat man who does not This Chicago publisher may Jk Va large following on his proposition to make ' charge extension of credit ' H Mil ' NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8IKO H- '. llaay national advertisers pui enormous sums of H y ,Bto advertUlng in magaxlnes, meanwhile H- , aaaadlsg much leas In local newspapers. H ' T A atudy of that situation was recently made by Ht Wm advertising Wnager of Aha Ford Motor Company. B He''found 'that In. 61 cities of the United States, 'the H, . ' 149 newspapers had a total circulation of 1 (.000,000, M v t la- the aame aitles, a group of the principal leading , H' asagasiaea had but 880,000 circulation. v Bft'"'- , ., T' tMt i1"1" of -aourse made In the larger HL i Jh v !?1Ur U 7",d b0,d (ood through R; "' Jthe'eeuatry at large. Ia ary particular community, c 'etraalallea.at aa aa saagaaiBe la bat a email I ''oll aaaiaared with what the BBjBto-aaaan:V-'"Mr . - local newspaper gets. It ia probable that the circulation circu-lation The Logan Itepubllcan Is greater In Logan than that of all tho leading popular magazines put together, to-gether, During recent yeara there has been a largely Increased In-creased tendency for national advertisers to use the local papers. They are beginning to realise that that is the only way to get at any considerable section of the people. Local merchants could get a lot of help on the advertising problem, by putting It up to the salesmen who wane around to represent nationally advertised goods; If retailers' generally would aak theae salesmen sales-men to toll their edveraslag manager that the retailers retail-ers waat their goods advertised la the heme paper, a great many advertlalag managers would aspply the funds for this purpose. Many of them are' doing It bow. Let retailers generally take that attitude,, aad request this form of co-operation from the corporations corpora-tions whose goods they are handling, and they can get a lot of help toward publicity. It Our country la now at war, and notwithstanding the difficulties under which the express Is working, due to conditions peculiar to the war, you are called upon for even greater performance than ever before. be-fore. Your part must be that of Increased zeal and devotion not only' Because of the greater opportunity for service In meeting the increased demand for express ex-press transportation, particularly in expeditious movement of -Government shipments and food supplies, sup-plies, but because of the loss of so many of our brave comrades who have been called to the colors. B. D. Caldwell, President Wells Fargo Co. Any number of married slackers 'are now engaged en-gaged In a frenzied effort to avoid the divorce court. n The difference between eccentricity and lunacy U represented by a bank-, account. ft h |