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Show Spoils System A Pet Hobby Of Democrats Tho "spol'i system" has from tho I lino of Andrew Jackson been a pet hobby of tho Democratic party. In no administration since tho Pembroke Hill of 18S3 has tho civil service received re-ceived so many Inroads and blows as It has during tho last four yeats. Merit hus not been the standard of promotion and nppolntmcut, nnd in many cases civil service employees Iipv hpfn removed to make way for political favorites. The attitude of tho Democratic ptr-ty ptr-ty has been thoroughly leactlonary. Whllo their platform piofoBxe'l allegiance allegi-ance to tho civil service, they havo thrown back hundreds of '.Picon Into tho spoils s)8tem. An urmy of deputy dep-uty revenue collectors, d'-putv marshals marsh-als and subordinates, havo been exempted ex-empted from chil servlco examinations examina-tions and fourth class postmastcis hnvo bcon put under tho appointment of tho postmaster general. On what basis theso postmasters havo boon appointed, President Wilson has ie-fuscd ie-fuscd to divulge to tho chll turvleo bureau. Tho deputy collectors hno been In tho competitive clauilled mt-vlce mt-vlce since 1007; tho deputy mairhals slnco 1909. Thero Is no shadow of a roason why President Wilson should In 1913 exempt these olllccs from competitive examination, Tho "spoils system" onco more entered en-tered Into play when tho Prasldrnt reorganized tho Civil Sorvlco ''mnpils f.lon putting now members on iho commission who had never bftoro had experlonco in civil servlco mutters. mut-ters. In the first nine months of President Wilson's term, thirty per cent of tho postmasters had been changed, 40 per cent of tho collectors collect-ors of Internal rovenuo, 30 per cent of the United States district attorneys attorn-eys and 20 per cont of f.io reglUors nf tho general land office . It was through tho tedious work ot Iho Itopubllcar. party that tho civil service system was built up, a system sys-tem that Is necessary, for tho best Interests of thn country, nnd nothing could bo ot greater danger to tho best interests ot the United States 10 limn that tho Servlro bhould bo tho H5 Mibject of such inroads aa ir.13 occur flH ted during tho present ndmlulstra H Hon. M |