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Show What The Better m Babies Bureau Is HJ The Hotter Babies' Bureau Is run i Hj by the Woman's Homo Companion, l HJ and Is really a Motliors' Club. Any MM Woman expecting to becomo n moth-HJ moth-HJ er may write to tho Woman's Homo HJ Companion and receive a letter ot mm advice each month about tho caro at HJ herself and later, of her bnby. Many HJ pamphletB giving practical advice are HJ sent with no obligation to tho sender IH except tho necessary stamps. In tho IHJ September Woman's Homo Compan-HJ Compan-HJ Ion a woman writes: H "Four of your splendid letters lravo Hj como to me, and perhaps you will un-H un-H derstand something of how tlioy uro Hj appreciated when I tell you they nro Hj as carefully preserved as deeds and HJ Insuranco nnpers. I wish I could tell MJ sou U8t how.I feci about tho letters, Hj but I con not seem to Ilnd tho words. Hj It surely was a great day for us morn mo-rn thers In waiting wlien a fow kind, O helpful hearts founded the Better Da D bles Bureau. Wo certainly nocd help mid encouragement, and It seems yours would bo a boon to nny expect rmt motlicr; hut to one In my post-H post-H tlon young, Inexperienced, untaught, H i.o far from lufno and friends with HI 0 ono to go to with my problems and HJ anxieties but my husband and my EH doctor they aro simply Invaluable. 9 "And thcro Is ono little thing I want you to know. Ono of tho letters ended by hoping I was keeping woll will happy. Of courso I know tho tamo letter goes to hundreds of other women, but thero was a Httlo personal person-al touch In thoso words that warmed my heart. I do not know how to thank you as I should, hut I shall not fall to spread tho good work bv sending other mothers to you whenovor opportunity op-portunity offers." ... |